[КНИГА][B] The hidden chorus: echoes of genre in tragic lyric

LA Swift - 2010 - books.google.com
The Hidden Chorus investigates the relationship between the chorus of Greek tragedy and
other types of choral song in Greek society. Choruses performed on a range of occasions in …

The anxiety of infertility: the role of the nurses in the fertility clinic

HT Allan - Human Fertility, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
This paper discusses the effects of anxiety and depression on infertile people as they
undergo infertility investigations and treatments, and explores what nurses may do to assist …

Risk, health and the media

JC Tulloch, JO Zinn - Health, risk & society, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
This special issue on 'Risk and the Media'explores relationships between risk theory in the
social sciences and media studies' analyses of risk. Arguing that attempts to bring these two …

[КНИГА][B] Euripides' revolution under cover: an essay

P Pucci - 2016 - books.google.com
In this provocative book, Pietro Pucci explores what he sees as Euripides's revolutionary
literary art. While scholars have long pointed to subversive elements in Euripides's plays …

Vanishing songs: How musical extinctions threaten the planet: The Laurence Picken memorial lecture 2009

A Marett - Ethnomusicology Forum, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
The 2009 Laurence Picken Memorial Lecture, given to commemorate the centenary of the
eminent British musicologist, Dr Laurence Picken (1909–2007), draws on recent linguistic …

Abscisic acid and ethylene biosynthesis-related genes are associated with anthocyanin accumulation in purple ornamental cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. acephala …

SW **, MA Rahim, HJ Jung, KS Afrin, HT Kim… - …, 2019 - cdnsciencepub.com
Purple ornamental cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) is a popular decorative plant,
cultivated for its colorful leaf rosettes that persist in cool weather. It is characterized by green …

The power of popular publicity: New social media and the affective dynamics of the sport racism scandal

SA Baker, D Rowe - Journal of Political Power, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Sociologists have tended to take insufficient account of the importance of emotions to the
social power of the institution of media, particularly as altered by the emergence of social …

[PDF][PDF] Hankala erityisyys

R Mietola - Etnografinen tutkimus erityisopetuksen käytännöistä ja …, 2014 - core.ac.uk
The study focuses on the formation of the conceptions of special in the everyday life of
school, especially in the practices of special education and student welfare services. It …

Achieving sustainable lifestyles or encouraging a counter-reflexivity: exploring motivations for sustainability in a mediated risk society

G Borne - Local Environment, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
Ulrich Beck's World Risk Society is becoming an increasingly relevant analysis of
contemporary human/environment interaction. However, with this said, Beck's observations …

A bridge too far? The arms deal, the Coega IDZ, and economic development in the Eastern Cape

R Haines, S Hosking - Society in transition, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
Offsets or industrial participation have become an increasingly important part of arms
procurement, with the promise of economic benefits often being an important justification for …