[BOK][B] Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches
S Müller - 2023 - library.oapen.org
This book introduces formal grammar theories that play a role in current linguistic theorizing
(Phrase Structure Grammar, Transformational Grammar/Government & Binding, Generalized …
(Phrase Structure Grammar, Transformational Grammar/Government & Binding, Generalized …
Representational complexity and memory retrieval in language comprehension
P Hofmeister - Language and cognitive processes, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Mental representations formed from words or phrases may vary considerably in their feature-
based complexity. Modern theories of retrieval in sentence comprehension do not indicate …
based complexity. Modern theories of retrieval in sentence comprehension do not indicate …
English filler-gap constructions
IA Sag - Language, 2010 - muse.jhu.edu
This article delineates and analyzes the syntactic and semantic parameters of variation
exhibited by English filler-gap constructions. It demonstrates that a detailed, fully explicit …
exhibited by English filler-gap constructions. It demonstrates that a detailed, fully explicit …
[BOK][B] Weak island semantics
M Abrusán - 2014 - books.google.com
This book presents a novel semantic account of weak, or selective, islands. Weak islands
are configurations that block the displacement of certain elements in a sentence. Examples …
are configurations that block the displacement of certain elements in a sentence. Examples …
[BOK][B] Unbounded dependency constructions: Theoretical and experimental perspectives
This book is about one of the most intriguing features of human communication systems: the
fact that words that go together in meaning can occur arbitrarily far away from each other. In …
fact that words that go together in meaning can occur arbitrarily far away from each other. In …
Constraints on displacement
G Müller - 2011 - torrossa.com
Locality constraints on displacement as they have been proposed over the last decades
(since Chomsky (1964) and Ross (1967)) have been highly successful from an empirical …
(since Chomsky (1964) and Ross (1967)) have been highly successful from an empirical …
[BOK][B] Experimental syntax and island effects
J Sprouse, N Hornstein - 2013 - books.google.com
This volume brings together cutting-edge experimental research from leaders in the fields of
linguistics and psycholinguistics to explore the nature of a phenomenon that has long been …
linguistics and psycholinguistics to explore the nature of a phenomenon that has long been …
Child language acquisition: Why universal grammar doesn't help
In many different domains of language acquisition, there exists an apparent learnability
problem to which innate knowledge of some aspect of universal grammar (UG) has been …
problem to which innate knowledge of some aspect of universal grammar (UG) has been …
Sentence acceptability experiments: What, how, and why
G Goodall - The Cambridge handbook of experimental syntax, 2021 - books.google.com
Sentence acceptability experiments have become increasingly common since Cowart
(1997) first presented a detailed method for carrying them out, but there is still relatively little …
(1997) first presented a detailed method for carrying them out, but there is still relatively little …
Frequency effects in subject islands
RP Chaves, JE Dery - Journal of linguistics, 2019 - cambridge.org
This work provides evidence that Subject Island violation effects vanish if subject-embedded
gaps are made as frequent and pragmatically felicitous as non-island counterpart controls …
gaps are made as frequent and pragmatically felicitous as non-island counterpart controls …