Mixed effects of remittances on child education

JR Bucheli, AK Bohara, M Fontenla - IZA Journal of development and …, 2018 - Springer
We exploit the size of the 2010 Ecuadorian Census to estimate the effect of remittances on
secondary school enrollment across four key dimensions: gender, household wealth, rural …

[PDF][PDF] Lifting Barriers to Education During and After COVID-19: Improving education outcomes for migrant and refugee children in Latin America and the Caribbean

K Caarls, V Cebotari, D Karamperidou… - 2021 - orbilu.uni.lu
Executive summary Children migrate with their families and independently. According to the
most recent global estimates, the total number of child migrants is approximately 31 million …

Paternal migration and schooling choices. A study on children left behind in Ecuador

M Tello, GE Sánchez - International Journal of Educational Development, 2025 - Elsevier
Scholars dedicated to exploring the effects of migration on children left behind are
commonly interested in human capital outcomes such as education. However, when …

Joint parental school choice: Exploring the influence of individual preferences of husbands and wives

P Mariel, R Scarpa, A Vega-Bayo - Regional Science and Urban …, 2018 - Elsevier
The objective of this paper is to study school choice as a deliberate joint parental decision.
This decision is affected by the underlying preferences of the husband and wife. We use …

Migration, displacement and education

B Bridges, N Walls - United Nation: UNESCO Publishing, 2018 - repositorio.minedu.gob.pe
Leave no one behind. This is among the most aspirational global commitments of the United
Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Migration and displacement are two …

Remittances, Socio-economic Inequality and Development: Insights from Rural Bangladesh

MB Uddin - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Abstract The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially goal 10, target migration
and remittances as a tool to reduce within and between country inequalities. In the light of …

Parent migration and education outcomes of children left behind in El Salvador

MG Rubio - 2020 - publications.iadb.org
Nearly one quarter of El Salvador's population resides abroad as a result of historically high
levels of violence, which have led to increasing family disintegration and many children …

[PDF][PDF] Paternal circular migration and development of socio-emotional skills of children left behind

D Adunts - CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, 2021 - cerge.cuni.cz
This study investigates the short-run effect of paternal absence due to circular migration on
the socio-emotional skills of their children left behind. To address the endogeneity of the …

School enrollment effects in a South-South migration context

J Davis - International Journal of Educational Development, 2018 - Elsevier
In contrast to the heavily studied South-North migration of Latin Americans to the United
States, this investigation assesses the lesser-studied influence of South-South labor …

Seasonal migration and education of children left behind: Evidence from armenia

D Adunts, G Afunts - CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, 2019 - papers.ssrn.com
There is much evidence that migration of a parent affects the educational performance of
children left behind (CLB). Nevertheless, there is no agreement on the direction of the …