A functional central limit theorem for the becker–döring model

W Sun - Journal of Statistical Physics, 2018 - Springer
We investigate the fluctuations of the stochastic Becker–Döring model of polymerization
when the initial size of the system converges to infinity. A functional central limit problem is …

Fluctuation limit for interacting diffusions with partial annihilations through membranes

ZQ Chen, WTL Fan - Journal of statistical physics, 2016 - Springer
We study fluctuations of the empirical processes of a non-equilibrium interacting particle
system consisting of two species over a domain that is recently introduced in Chen and Fan …

Coagulation and diffusion: A probabilistic perspective on the Smoluchowski PDE

A Hammond - 2017 - projecteuclid.org
The Smoluchowski coagulation-diffusion PDE is a system of partial differential equations
modelling the evolution in time of mass-bearing Brownian particles which are subject to …

A study of interacting stochastic networks: large scale, long time behavior and fluctuations

W Sun - 2018 - hal.sorbonne-universite.fr
This PhD document is devoted to the analyses of large stochastic networks used to study
mathematical models in communication networks and in biology. The first part consists of the …

[HTML][HTML] Celebratio Mathematica

F Rezakhanlou - celebratio.org
All the above models share similar scaling behaviors and, in some sense, represent
evolving height functions which are governed by local and random growth rules. In fact, the …