Stop oversampling for class imbalance learning: A review
For the last two decades, oversampling has been employed to overcome the challenge of
learning from imbalanced datasets. Many approaches to solving this challenge have been …
learning from imbalanced datasets. Many approaches to solving this challenge have been …
A systematic literature review and future perspectives for handling big data analytics in COVID-19 diagnosis
In today's digital world, information is growing along with the expansion of Internet usage
worldwide. As a consequence, bulk of data is generated constantly which is known to be …
worldwide. As a consequence, bulk of data is generated constantly which is known to be …
Brain tumor classification using dense efficient-net
Brain tumors are most common in children and the elderly. It is a serious form of cancer
caused by uncontrollable brain cell growth inside the skull. Tumor cells are notoriously …
caused by uncontrollable brain cell growth inside the skull. Tumor cells are notoriously …
A robust MRI-based brain tumor classification via a hybrid deep learning technique
The brain is the most vital component of the neurological system. Therefore, brain tumor
classification is a very challenging task in the field of medical image analysis. There has …
classification is a very challenging task in the field of medical image analysis. There has …
Brain tumour classification using noble deep learning approach with parametric optimization through metaheuristics approaches
Deep learning has surged in popularity in recent years, notably in the domains of medical
image processing, medical image analysis, and bioinformatics. In this study, we offer a …
image processing, medical image analysis, and bioinformatics. In this study, we offer a …
A novel approach for classifying brain tumours combining a squeezenet model with svm and fine-tuning
Cancer of the brain is most common in the elderly and young and can be fatal in both. Brain
tumours can heal better if they are diagnosed and treated quickly. When it comes to …
tumours can heal better if they are diagnosed and treated quickly. When it comes to …
[PDF][PDF] Automated Deep Learning Empowered Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Biomedical Mammogram Images.
J Escorcia-Gutierrez, RF Mansour… - Computers …, 2022 - repositorio.cuc.edu.co
Biomedical image processing is a hot research topic which helps to majorly assist the
disease diagnostic process. At the same time, breast cancer becomes the deadliest disease …
disease diagnostic process. At the same time, breast cancer becomes the deadliest disease …
Hybrid parallel fuzzy CNN paradigm: Unmasking intricacies for accurate brain MRI insights
The hybrid parallel fuzzy convolutional neural network (HP-FCNN) is a ground-breaking
method for medical image analysis that combines the interpretive capacity of fuzzy logic with …
method for medical image analysis that combines the interpretive capacity of fuzzy logic with …
Rdpvr: Random data partitioning with voting rule for machine learning from class-imbalanced datasets
Since most classifiers are biased toward the dominant class, class imbalance is a
challenging problem in machine learning. The most popular approaches to solving this …
challenging problem in machine learning. The most popular approaches to solving this …
[HTML][HTML] Assessing the big data adoption readiness role in healthcare between technology impact factors and intention to adopt big data
Big data is quickly becoming a new area where administrative work can be improved. Even
so, it is still in the early stages of being used in hospitals in countries with less technology …
so, it is still in the early stages of being used in hospitals in countries with less technology …