Oscillating droplet trains in microfluidic networks and their suppression in blood flow
Droplets forming sequences in simple microfluidic networks are known to exhibit complex
behaviours, but their dynamics are yet to be probed in channels long enough to …
behaviours, but their dynamics are yet to be probed in channels long enough to …
Reinforcement-Learning designs droplet microfluidic networks
Droplet microfluidics provides a platform for realizing programmable and flexible devices for
performing diverse process operations on a single chip. Although recent developments have …
performing diverse process operations on a single chip. Although recent developments have …
Spacing optimization for active droplet sorting in microfluidic networks using genetic algorithm
Sorting is an important operation in droplet microfluidics. In this paper, we propose a novel,
active technique for sorting of drops. The technique involves sending of drops to a one …
active technique for sorting of drops. The technique involves sending of drops to a one …
Numerical analysis of mixing performance in sinusoidal microchannels based on particle motion in droplets
This numerical study was conducted to analyze and understand the parameters that affect
the mixing performance of droplet-based flow in sinusoidal microfluidic channels. Finite …
the mixing performance of droplet-based flow in sinusoidal microfluidic channels. Finite …
Droplet microfluidic networks as hybrid dynamical systems: Inlet spacing optimization for sorting of drops
The ability to manipulate drops is essential for integrating multiple processes in droplet
microfluidics‐based lab‐on‐a‐chip devices. Examples of such droplet manipulation …
microfluidics‐based lab‐on‐a‐chip devices. Examples of such droplet manipulation …
Very large scale droplet microfluidic integration (VLDMI) using genetic algorithm
Droplet microfluidics is likely to play a central role in the development of lab-on-a-chip
technologies and as a result, significant research is directed toward this field. Understanding …
technologies and as a result, significant research is directed toward this field. Understanding …
Multifunctional droplet microfluidic platform for rapid immobilization of oligonucleotides on semiconductor quantum dots
Quantum dot–DNA oligonucleotide (QD–DNA) conjugates have been used in many fields
such as nucleic acid bioassays, intracellular probes, and drug delivery systems. A typical …
such as nucleic acid bioassays, intracellular probes, and drug delivery systems. A typical …
Origin of periodic and chaotic dynamics due to drops moving in a microfluidic loop device
Droplets moving in a microfluidic loop device exhibit both periodic and chaotic behaviors
based on the inlet droplet spacing. We observe that the periodic behavior is an outcome of …
based on the inlet droplet spacing. We observe that the periodic behavior is an outcome of …
[HTML][HTML] Design of microfluidic chromatographs through reinforcement learning
Chromatography is one of the most valuable techniques chemists possess at their disposal,
conducive to everything from develo** vaccines, food, beverage, and drug testing to …
conducive to everything from develo** vaccines, food, beverage, and drug testing to …
[HTML][HTML] Millifluidics as a simple tool to optimize droplet networks: case study on drop traffic in a bifurcated loop
WS Wang, SA Vanapalli - Biomicrofluidics, 2014 - pubs.aip.org
We report that modular millifluidic networks are simpler, more cost-effective alternatives to
traditional microfluidic networks, and they can be rapidly generated and altered to optimize …
traditional microfluidic networks, and they can be rapidly generated and altered to optimize …