[HTML][HTML] Hydrogen storage in depleted gas reservoirs: A comprehensive review
Hydrogen future depends on large-scale storage, which can be provided by geological
formations (such as caverns, aquifers, and depleted oil and gas reservoirs) to handle …
formations (such as caverns, aquifers, and depleted oil and gas reservoirs) to handle …
[HTML][HTML] A review of hydrogen/rock/brine interaction: Implications for Hydrogen Geo-storage
Hydrogen (H 2) is currently considered a clean fuel to decrease anthropogenic greenhouse
gas emissions and will play a vital role in climate change mitigation. Nevertheless, one of …
gas emissions and will play a vital role in climate change mitigation. Nevertheless, one of …
A review on worldwide underground hydrogen storage operating and potential fields
Overreliance on fossil fuels for human energy needs, combined with the associated negative
environmental consequences in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, has shifted our focus …
environmental consequences in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, has shifted our focus …
[HTML][HTML] Recent advances in carbon dioxide geological storage, experimental procedures, influencing parameters, and future outlook
The oxidation of fossil fuels produces billions of tons of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO 2)
emissions from stationary and nonstationary sources per annum, contributing to global …
emissions from stationary and nonstationary sources per annum, contributing to global …
Capacity assessment and cost analysis of geologic storage of hydrogen: A case study in Intermountain-West Region USA
Hydrogen is an integral component of the current energy transition roadmap to decarbonize
the economy and create an environmentally-sustainable future. However, surface storage …
the economy and create an environmentally-sustainable future. However, surface storage …
H2− brine interfacial tension as a function of salinity, temperature, and pressure; implications for hydrogen geo-storage
Hydrogen as a clean fuel source compared to hydrocarbons has attracted many attentions to
mitigate anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and meet global energy demand …
mitigate anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and meet global energy demand …
Underground hydrogen storage in Australia: a review on the feasibility of geological sites
Hydrogen has attracted attention worldwide with its favourable inherent properties to
contribute towards a carbon-free green energy future. Australia aims to make hydrogen as …
contribute towards a carbon-free green energy future. Australia aims to make hydrogen as …
[HTML][HTML] Assessment of wettability and rock-fluid interfacial tension of caprock: Implications for hydrogen and carbon dioxide geo-storage
Abstract Underground hydrogen (H 2) storage (UHS) and carbon dioxide (CO 2) geo-
storage (CGS) are prominent methods of meeting global energy needs and enabling a low …
storage (CGS) are prominent methods of meeting global energy needs and enabling a low …
Hydrogen wettability of carbonate formations: Implications for hydrogen geo-storage
Hypothesis The mitigation of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and increasing
global energy demand are two driving forces toward the hydrogen economy. The large …
global energy demand are two driving forces toward the hydrogen economy. The large …
[HTML][HTML] Storage integrity during underground hydrogen storage in depleted gas reservoirs
The transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, particularly hydrogen, has
emerged as a central strategy for decarbonization and the pursuit of net-zero carbon …
emerged as a central strategy for decarbonization and the pursuit of net-zero carbon …