Series elastic actuator: Design, analysis and comparison
In general, actuators are built to be as stiff as possible to increase the bandwidth. When a
robot works in a structured environment, its automation is easier than in a non-structured …
robot works in a structured environment, its automation is easier than in a non-structured …
A Bezier based state calibrating method for low-cost potentiometer with inherent nonlinearity
H Hua, Z Liao, X Wu, Y Chen - Measurement, 2021 - Elsevier
The potentiometer is a widely used low-cost position sensor in robot and medical
instruments. The measuring accuracy of the potentiometer could be greatly affected by its …
instruments. The measuring accuracy of the potentiometer could be greatly affected by its …
A back-drivable linear force actuator for adaptive gras**
H Hua, Z Liao, X Wu, Y Chen, C Feng - Journal of Mechanical Science …, 2022 - Springer
Robotic gripper is a fundamental component of robot to achieve gras** operations.
Gras** force control is an essential requirement for the robotic gripper to achieve adaptive …
Gras** force control is an essential requirement for the robotic gripper to achieve adaptive …
Reaction force estimation of electro-hydrostatic actuator using reaction force observer
K Umeda, T Sakuma, K Tsuda, S Sakaino… - IEEJ Journal of Industry …, 2018 - jstage.jst.go.jp
Electro-hydrostatic actuators (EHAs) are hydraulic actuators that are flexible and exhibit high
backdrivability. Flexible operation and accurate detection of reaction forces are required for …
backdrivability. Flexible operation and accurate detection of reaction forces are required for …
A sparse piecewise calibration method for potentiometer with inherent nonlinearity: A comparison study
H Hua, Z Liao, J Song, Y Liu - Measurement, 2022 - Elsevier
The primary motivation of this paper is to present an accurate and rapid calibration method
for sensor nonlinearity calibration. A Sparse Piecewise Calibration Method (SPCM) as well …
for sensor nonlinearity calibration. A Sparse Piecewise Calibration Method (SPCM) as well …
[HTML][HTML] Transient thermal analysis of a magnetorheological knee for prostheses and exoskeletons during over-ground walking
RM de Andrade, AP Storch… - Heat Transfer-Design …, 2021 - intechopen.com
Proper knee movement is essential for accomplishing the mobility daily tasks such as
walking, get up from a chair and going up and down stairs. Although the technological …
walking, get up from a chair and going up and down stairs. Although the technological …
Desarrollo de habilidades del pensamiento para la preparación del ingreso a las Universidades del Ecuador
MB Piñas-Morales… - Polo del …, 2022 - polodelconocimiento.com
La rendición del examen para el ingreso a la universidad, es un instrumento que evalúa el
desarrollo de las aptitudes y destrezas que los estudiantes que deben alcanzar al culminar …
desarrollo de las aptitudes y destrezas que los estudiantes que deben alcanzar al culminar …
[PDF][PDF] A comprehensive review of the analytical methods used for the determination of selected antihistamines in pharmaceutical dosage forms and biological fluids.
Antihistaminic drugs are a group of therapeutic agents representing one of the most-widely
prescribed medications for treating different diseases. They are often used to relieve …
prescribed medications for treating different diseases. They are often used to relieve …
Energy recuperation at the hip joint for paraplegic walking: Interaction between patient and supportive device
R Auberger, R Riener, MF Russold… - 2019 IEEE 16th …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
For patients with lower limb paralysis, wearable robotic systems are becoming increasingly
important for regaining mobility. The actuation of these systems is challenging because of …
important for regaining mobility. The actuation of these systems is challenging because of …
Petrobras SA, estratégias, fragmentação e interesses: uma análise do período 2006-2018
LB de Jesus, HM Ferreira - Economic Analysis of Law Review, 2021 - portalrevistas.ucb.br
A Indústria de Petróleo e Gás Natural (IPGN) brasileira, após a promulgação da lei
12.351/2010, que imputava a Petrobras a participação mínima de 30% no consórcio …
12.351/2010, que imputava a Petrobras a participação mínima de 30% no consórcio …