Secure content packaging using multiple trusted execution environments

O Pogorelik, A Nayshtut, NM Smith, I Muttik… - US Patent App. 14 …, 2016 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0001 Modern computing systems support global collabo ration and content
sharing. Thus, protecting and securing sensitive data has become increasingly important. In …

Method of using one device to unlock another device

C Sauerwald, A Ledwith, J Iarocci… - US Patent App. 14 …, 2016 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method of unlocking a second device using a first device is disclosed.
The method can include: the first device pairing with the second device; establishing a …

Cloud-based reservoir simulation environment

S Adam, I Ambler, O Brazell, N Brown… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
Reservoir simulations may be executed in a high perfor mance computing cloud cluster
(530) provisioned within a cloud computing environment (450) and accessible by graphical …

Encryption for distributed storage and processing

M Egorov, MLS Wilkison, D Nu, I Agudo - US Patent 10,691,817, 2020 - Google Patents
Provided is a process of securing data in a distributed storage and processing application,
the process including: obtaining a cluster of computing nodes, wherein: the cluster stores a …

System and method for storing and transmitting confidential medical information on vulnerable devices and networks

S Edwards, A Mault, K Stenerson - US Patent App. 14/993,650, 2016 - Google Patents
System and methods are provided for securely recording private data, including but not
limited to medical health data. The system and methods include a first input adapted to …

Workload encryption key

FA Bower III, A Dholakia, GB Pruett… - US Patent 10,298,388, 2019 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A workload server computing device receives a workload encryption key
from a workload client computing device over a network. The workload encryption key is …

Secure device-bound edge workload delivery

EN Asanghanwa, MS Rohera - US Patent 11,106,441, 2021 - Google Patents
The disclosed technology provides for packaging a secure cloud workload at a workload
provisioning service. A unique device identifier is received from an edge device. The unique …

Providing high availability computing service by issuing a certificate

YU Chaofan, L Wang, A Zhou, N Zhang… - US Patent …, 2021 - Google Patents
This disclosure relates to providing a high availability computing service in a distributed
system. In one aspect, a method includes sending, by a computing unit of multiple …

Data flow modeling and execution

H Zhang, P Nemery, LIN Qinhe… - US Patent …, 2019 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A data flow model format allows for improved data flow model creation and
execution. The data flow models can provide a user with greater flexibility in selecting an …

Providing high availability computing service by issuing a certificate

YU Chaofan, L Wang, A Zhou, N Zhang… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
This disclosure relates to providing a high availability computing service in a distributed
system. In one aspect, a method includes sending, by a computing unit of multiple …