Recent progress in the theory of nonlinear diffusion with fractional Laplacian operators

JL Vázquez - arxiv preprint arxiv:1401.3640, 2014 -
We report on recent progress in the study of nonlinear diffusion equations involving
nonlocal, long-range diffusion effects. Our main concern is the so-called fractional porous …

The mathematical theories of diffusion: nonlinear and fractional diffusion

JA Carrillo, M del Pino, A Figalli, G Mingione… - Nonlocal and Nonlinear …, 2017 - Springer
We describe the mathematical theory of diffusion and heat transport with a view to including
some of the main directions of recent research. The linear heat equation is the basic …

A fractional porous medium equation

A De Pablo, F Quirós, A Rodríguez, JL Vázquez - Advances in Mathematics, 2011 - Elsevier
We develop a theory of existence, uniqueness and regularity for the following porous
medium equation with fractional diffusion, with m> m⁎=(N− 1)/N, N⩾ 1 and f∈ L1 (RN). An …

Nonlinear diffusion with fractional Laplacian operators

JL Vázquez - Nonlinear partial differential equations: the Abel …, 2012 - Springer
We describe two models of flow in porous media including nonlocal (long-range) diffusion
effects. The first model is based on Darcy's law and the pressure is related to the density by …

A general fractional porous medium equation

A De Pablo, F Quirós, A Rodríguez… - … on Pure and Applied …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
We develop a theory of existence and uniqueness for the following porous medium equation
with fractional diffusion:\input amssym\left {∂ u ∂ t+\left (‐Δ\right)^ σ/2\left (\left| u\right|^ m‐1 …

[HTML][HTML] Quantitative local and global a priori estimates for fractional nonlinear diffusion equations

M Bonforte, JL Vázquez - Advances in Mathematics, 2014 - Elsevier
We establish quantitative estimates for solutions u (t, x) to the fractional nonlinear diffusion
equation,∂ t u+(− Δ) s (um)= 0 in the whole range of exponents m> 0, 0< s< 1. The equation …

Non-equilibrium fluctuations of interacting particle systems

M Jara, O Menezes - arxiv preprint arxiv:1810.09526, 2018 -
We obtain the large scale limit of the fluctuations around its hydrodynamic limit of the density
of particles of a weakly asymmetric exclusion process in dimension up to three. The proof is …

A fractional Yamabe flow and some applications

T **, J **ong - Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik …, 2014 -
We introduce a fractional Yamabe flow involving nonlocal conformally invariant operators on
the conformal infinity of asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds, and show that on the conformal …

Slow to fast infinitely extended reservoirs for the symmetric exclusion process with long jumps

C Bernardin, P Goncalves, BO Jimenez - arxiv preprint arxiv:1702.07216, 2017 -
We consider an exclusion process with long jumps in the box $\Lambda\_N=\{1,\ldots, N-1\}
$, for $ N\ge 2$, in contact with infinitely extended reservoirs on its left and on its right. The …

Infinite speed of propagation and regularity of solutions to the fractional porous medium equation in general domains

M Bonforte, A Figalli, X Ros‐Oton - Communications on Pure …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
We study the positivity and regularity of solutions to the fractional porous medium equations
in for m> 1 and s∈(0, 1), with Dirichlet boundary data u= 0 in and nonnegative initial …