Recent progress in the theory of nonlinear diffusion with fractional Laplacian operators
JL Vázquez - arxiv preprint arxiv:1401.3640, 2014 - arxiv.org
We report on recent progress in the study of nonlinear diffusion equations involving
nonlocal, long-range diffusion effects. Our main concern is the so-called fractional porous …
nonlocal, long-range diffusion effects. Our main concern is the so-called fractional porous …
The mathematical theories of diffusion: nonlinear and fractional diffusion
We describe the mathematical theory of diffusion and heat transport with a view to including
some of the main directions of recent research. The linear heat equation is the basic …
some of the main directions of recent research. The linear heat equation is the basic …
A fractional porous medium equation
We develop a theory of existence, uniqueness and regularity for the following porous
medium equation with fractional diffusion, with m> m⁎=(N− 1)/N, N⩾ 1 and f∈ L1 (RN). An …
medium equation with fractional diffusion, with m> m⁎=(N− 1)/N, N⩾ 1 and f∈ L1 (RN). An …
Nonlinear diffusion with fractional Laplacian operators
JL Vázquez - Nonlinear partial differential equations: the Abel …, 2012 - Springer
We describe two models of flow in porous media including nonlocal (long-range) diffusion
effects. The first model is based on Darcy's law and the pressure is related to the density by …
effects. The first model is based on Darcy's law and the pressure is related to the density by …
A general fractional porous medium equation
We develop a theory of existence and uniqueness for the following porous medium equation
with fractional diffusion:\input amssym\left {∂ u ∂ t+\left (‐Δ\right)^ σ/2\left (\left| u\right|^ m‐1 …
with fractional diffusion:\input amssym\left {∂ u ∂ t+\left (‐Δ\right)^ σ/2\left (\left| u\right|^ m‐1 …
[HTML][HTML] Quantitative local and global a priori estimates for fractional nonlinear diffusion equations
We establish quantitative estimates for solutions u (t, x) to the fractional nonlinear diffusion
equation,∂ t u+(− Δ) s (um)= 0 in the whole range of exponents m> 0, 0< s< 1. The equation …
equation,∂ t u+(− Δ) s (um)= 0 in the whole range of exponents m> 0, 0< s< 1. The equation …
Non-equilibrium fluctuations of interacting particle systems
M Jara, O Menezes - arxiv preprint arxiv:1810.09526, 2018 - arxiv.org
We obtain the large scale limit of the fluctuations around its hydrodynamic limit of the density
of particles of a weakly asymmetric exclusion process in dimension up to three. The proof is …
of particles of a weakly asymmetric exclusion process in dimension up to three. The proof is …
A fractional Yamabe flow and some applications
We introduce a fractional Yamabe flow involving nonlocal conformally invariant operators on
the conformal infinity of asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds, and show that on the conformal …
the conformal infinity of asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds, and show that on the conformal …
Slow to fast infinitely extended reservoirs for the symmetric exclusion process with long jumps
We consider an exclusion process with long jumps in the box $\Lambda\_N=\{1,\ldots, N-1\}
$, for $ N\ge 2$, in contact with infinitely extended reservoirs on its left and on its right. The …
$, for $ N\ge 2$, in contact with infinitely extended reservoirs on its left and on its right. The …
Infinite speed of propagation and regularity of solutions to the fractional porous medium equation in general domains
We study the positivity and regularity of solutions to the fractional porous medium equations
in for m> 1 and s∈(0, 1), with Dirichlet boundary data u= 0 in and nonnegative initial …
in for m> 1 and s∈(0, 1), with Dirichlet boundary data u= 0 in and nonnegative initial …