Ridging, a mechanized alternative to mounding for yam and cassava production
A cassava seedbed preparation field study was established at Fumesua in the forest and
Ejura in the forest-savanna transition agroecologies of Ghana in 2004/2005. The …
Ejura in the forest-savanna transition agroecologies of Ghana in 2004/2005. The …
[PDF][PDF] Agricultural interventions to enhance climate change adaptation of underutilized root and tuber crops
Agricultural intensification worldwide is increasingly relying on a narrow range of crops such
as rice, wheat, and maize. The reliability on this relatively small numbers of food diversities …
as rice, wheat, and maize. The reliability on this relatively small numbers of food diversities …
Determination of some herbicide residues in sweet potato
YA Hormenoo, J K. Agbenorhevi… - Cogent Food & …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
The use of herbicides in weed control is on the increase but such chemical residues in crop
plants mostly cause health risks. The objective of this work was to determine the level of …
plants mostly cause health risks. The objective of this work was to determine the level of …
Sweetpotato value chain development in West Africa: matching products with farmer typology.
D Peters - Potato and sweetpotato in Africa: transforming the …, 2015 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Sweetpotato value chain studies conducted in 2012 in three West African countries-Ghana,
Nigeria and Burkina Faso-indicated three types of sweetpotato producers. Type I farmers …
Nigeria and Burkina Faso-indicated three types of sweetpotato producers. Type I farmers …
Yield, biochemical properties and cooking quality traits of sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) as affected by Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer rates
C Darko, S Yeboah, A Amoah, A Opoku, E Baafi… - Ghana Journal of …, 2021 - ajol.info
This study evaluated the effects of mineral fertilizer rates on biochemical properties, cooking
quality traits and root yield of sweetpotatoes. The experimental design was 4 x 4 factorial in …
quality traits and root yield of sweetpotatoes. The experimental design was 4 x 4 factorial in …
Orange fleshed sweet potato: its use in complementary infant formula
EK Ashun - 2018 - ir.ucc.edu.gh
A complementary food was developed from the vitamin A rich orange fleshed sweet potation
to help reduce vitamin A deficiency among infants. Experimental research design was used …
to help reduce vitamin A deficiency among infants. Experimental research design was used …
Effect of tillage, vine length and fertilizer application on the growth, yield and quality of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam).
G Dumbuya - 2015 - ir.knust.edu.gh
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is becoming the most widely distributed root crops in
most develo** countries. However, production of the crop in Africa is faced with several …
most develo** countries. However, production of the crop in Africa is faced with several …
[PDF][PDF] Effect of Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Three Varieties of Sweet Potato (Ipomea batata) in Igbariam, South East Nigeria
AE Okonkwo, EN Ngonadi, I Uko - researchgate.net
A field experiment was conducted at Research Farm of National Root Crops Research
Institute Sub-Station, Igbariam to study the effect of NPK 15: 15: 15 fertilizer application rates …
Institute Sub-Station, Igbariam to study the effect of NPK 15: 15: 15 fertilizer application rates …
[PDF][PDF] For further information please contact: Jan Low j. low@ cgiar. org
R Armah, M Benjamin, H Katcher, J Blakenship… - 2018 - cgspace.cgiar.org
• The roots and leaves can be cooked and eaten in various ways and can also be used as
animal feed or industrial products• Sweetpotato roots are a healthy food: with good amounts …
animal feed or industrial products• Sweetpotato roots are a healthy food: with good amounts …
[PDF][PDF] Diplôme de Master 2
DI KIBA, PHB NACRO - 2018 - researchgate.net
Résumé L'igname occupe une place de choix dans la sécurité alimentaire, surtout en
Afrique à travers son rôle alimentaire, médicinal, et dans l'amélioration des revenus des …
Afrique à travers son rôle alimentaire, médicinal, et dans l'amélioration des revenus des …