[HTML][HTML] The future is crawling: Evaluating the potential of insects for food and feed security
Current estimations showed that the number of people affected by hunger doubled in the
last two years, reaching 9.8% of the global population. According to FAO, in order to satisfy …
last two years, reaching 9.8% of the global population. According to FAO, in order to satisfy …
Investigating female shoppers' attitude and purchase intention toward green cosmetics in South Africa
This paper investigates female shoppers' attitude and purchase intention toward green
cosmetics. Underpinned with an extended theory of planned behavior model, the research …
cosmetics. Underpinned with an extended theory of planned behavior model, the research …
[HTML][HTML] Green products from industrial symbiosis: Are consumers ready for them?
Industrial symbiosis (IS) can support the transition towards the circular economy:
accordingly, wastes produced by a company can be used by other companies as an …
accordingly, wastes produced by a company can be used by other companies as an …
Marine cosmetics and the blue bioeconomy: From sourcing to success stories
As the global population continues to grow, so does the demand for longer, healthier lives
and environmentally responsible choices. Consumers are increasingly drawn to naturally …
and environmentally responsible choices. Consumers are increasingly drawn to naturally …
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) essential oil and oil-loaded nano-formulations as an anti-aging potentiality via TGFβ/SMAD pathway
Aging has become a concern for many people, especially women. Given that high-quality
anti-aging products are of high cost; it has imperative to search for other economical …
anti-aging products are of high cost; it has imperative to search for other economical …
Enhancing the cosmetics industry sustainability through a renewed sustainable supplier selection model
The cosmetics industry requires a long-term sustainable strategy to balance its continuously
growing trend worldwide and its resources consumption. In this view, the suppliers' selection …
growing trend worldwide and its resources consumption. In this view, the suppliers' selection …
Moderated mediation role of ethnicity on natural skin care products purchasing intention model among multicultural consumers
The trends for sustainable lifestyle and marketing motivated natural product consumption,
such as natural skin care products (NSCPs). Different personal, environmental, and …
such as natural skin care products (NSCPs). Different personal, environmental, and …
[HTML][HTML] Inorganic UV filter-based sunscreens labelled as eco-friendly threaten sea urchin populations
Although the negative effects of inorganic UV filters have been documented on several
marine organisms, sunscreen products containing such filters are available in the market …
marine organisms, sunscreen products containing such filters are available in the market …
Investigating the impact of green marketing on stay decisions: The mediating role of green consumer behavior
Abstract Changes in the behavior of tourists after the COVID-19 pandemic, who are more
concerned with sustainable impacts, have intensified the implementation of green …
concerned with sustainable impacts, have intensified the implementation of green …
Implementation of sustainable development goals in the cosmetics industry based on the example of cleansing cosmetics containing a surfactin-rich digestate extract
The implementation of sustainable development goals in the cosmetics industry is focused
primarily on the phase of product design and the formulation of fully functional cosmetics …
primarily on the phase of product design and the formulation of fully functional cosmetics …