Problems, solutions, and expectations: 6C integration of 21st century education into learning mathematics
21st century education requires the integration of six competencies (6C) into the classroom.
Because it is important to equip students with better skills. This survey examines the …
Because it is important to equip students with better skills. This survey examines the …
Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Kahoot Terhadap Kepercayaan Diri Dan Prestasi Belajar
Dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar matematika acap kali peserta didik mengalami sifat
kurang percaya diri ketika pembelajaran berlangsung. Padahal kepercayaan diri peserta …
kurang percaya diri ketika pembelajaran berlangsung. Padahal kepercayaan diri peserta …
Efforts to improve tajwid learning using the An-Nahdliyah method in Diniyah students
The essential ability to read the Koran is critical for children, especially students. The
information that the researchers obtained was that most of the students still had difficulty …
information that the researchers obtained was that most of the students still had difficulty …
Quantum Teaching Model: Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa MTs
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas VII di MTs
Roudlotut Tholibin dalam mata pelajaran matematika melalui penggunaan model …
Roudlotut Tholibin dalam mata pelajaran matematika melalui penggunaan model …
Development of Aqidah Akhlak Learning Media" Board Game Based on Education Fun on the Theme of Commendable Morals (E-Fun A2M)" for High School Students
Monotonous learning patterns lead to ineffective learning behavior which impacts on
learning outcomes. Lack of teacher creativity and mastery in processing learning will make …
learning outcomes. Lack of teacher creativity and mastery in processing learning will make …
21st century mathematics learning challenges: Bibliometric analysis of trends and best practices in shinta indexed scientific publications
This study aims to find out the issues or problems that become the direction and trends of
mathematics education research as an effort made by teachers in responding to challenges …
mathematics education research as an effort made by teachers in responding to challenges …
Design of a website-based arabic ty** application for students of arabic language education program at university
Today's internet technology has advanced extremely quickly and is still expanding. The
virtual world is a place where everyone and any group of individuals are free to engage in …
virtual world is a place where everyone and any group of individuals are free to engage in …
Aplikasi tik-tok: Pengembangan media pembelajaran matematika materi barisan dan deret untuk meningkatkan minat belajar siswa SMA
Learning media is an educational innovation that continues to grow. This is related to art
learning, especially the making of learning media using the tik-tok application. This …
learning, especially the making of learning media using the tik-tok application. This …
Indicators and essay problem grids on three-dimensional material: Development of instruments for measuring high school students' mathematical problem-solving …
One important component in the education system to measure the success and performance
of the learning process is assessment activities. The importance of assessment in the …
of the learning process is assessment activities. The importance of assessment in the …
Design for Development of Canva Application-Based Audio-Visual Teaching Materials on the Thematic Subject" Myself (Me and My New Friends)" Elementary School …
Pembelajaran matematika kurang optimal karena keterbatasan media pembelajaran.
Sebagian besar guru hanya mengandalkan materi dan latihan manual, yang terlalu …
Sebagian besar guru hanya mengandalkan materi dan latihan manual, yang terlalu …