[HTML][HTML] Modelling agricultural land suitability for vegetable crops farming using RS and GIS in conjunction with bivariate techniques in the Uttar Dinajpur district of …

D Sarkar, S Saha, P Mondal - Green Technologies and Sustainability, 2023 - Elsevier
This study aims to evaluate agricultural land suitability for vegetable crop farming in the Uttar
Dinajpur district. For performing the land suitability, the bivariate statistical techniques like …

[HTML][HTML] Integration of multicriteria decision analysis and geographic information system for site suitability assessment of Napier grass-based biogas power plant in …

K Nantasaksiri, P Charoen-amornkitt… - … and Sustainable Energy …, 2021 - Elsevier
Napier grass is a promising energy crop owing to its advantages over other energy crops;
however, when determining sites for the power plants utilizing Napier grass as a feedstock …

[PDF][PDF] Application of soil fertility capability classification (FCC) in dry semi arid land of South Telangana Plateau, Andhra Pradesh

M Chandrakala, B Prasad, KV Niranjana… - Commun. Soil Sci …, 2021 - drive.google.com
Soil fertility capability classification (FCC) is a system of representing soils with a set of
physical and chemical properties particularly fertility-related constraints of topsoil as well as …

Characterization and classification of pigeon pea growing soils and their land suitability for hot semiarid deccan Plateau, India

KS Karthika, KS Kumar, R Srinivasan… - Legume …, 2024 - indianjournals.com
Background Semiarid lands possess limitations of climate such as low and erratic rainfall,
long dry spell, high potential evapotranspiration and lesser length of growing period which …

[PDF][PDF] Land suitability evaluation for pigeon pea in semi-Arid land, South Telangana Plateau, India, using GIS, remote sensing and detailed survey

M Chandrakala, R Srinivasan, B Prasad… - Commun Soil Sci …, 2022 - researchgate.net
Soil-crop suitability evaluation is a prerequisite to achieve elevated production and
productivity per unit land, cost, inputs, and manpower. In order to identify potential crop land …

Land evaluation of legume growing soils in Anantapuramu district of Andhra Pradesh, India by integrating remote sensing and geographic information system

G Sashikala, MVS Naidu, KV Ramana… - Journal of the Indian …, 2023 - indianjournals.com
Legumes play a greater role in sustaining the economy of the rainfed farming as compared
to many other cereal crops. A detailed soil survey was conducted in legume (like groundnut …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan untuk Tanaman Jagung Di Kabupaten Biak Numfor, Papua

A Malik, MP Yufdy, W Siska, RK Ndaru - TATALOKA, 2022 - academia.edu
Produktifitas jagung di Papua masih tergolong sangat rendah yakni kurang dari 1, 8 ton/ha.
Produksi jagung dapat ditingkatkan dengan penambahan areal tanam maupun introduksi …

Soil-site suitability evaluation for diversification of rice-wheat crop** system ecology in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India-A Case Study

A Kumar, SK Mahapatra, V Ramamurthy… - Annals of Agricultural …, 2022 - epubs.icar.org.in
In the last few decades the sustainability of rice-wheat crop** system (RWCS) has been
threatened due to its negative effects on natural resources especially, soil and waters, and a …

Early Season Crop Acreage Estimation for Pigeon Pea using SAR Data: A Case Study of Kalaburagi District, Karnataka

V Poompavai, NM Kumar, R Hebbar, NK GN - Journal of Geomatics, 2024 - onlinejog.org
Crop acreage estimates using space-based observations during mid-season and pre-
harvest periods are operationally provided for major Kharif and Rabi crops in India. These …

Soil Suitability for Growing Pulses in Northern Dry Zone of Karnataka

A D'Souza, PL Patil - Agricultural Science Digest, 2024 - indianjournals.com
Background A soil suitability evaluation of Kanamadi South sub-watershed in the Northern
Dry Zone of India was carried out during April 2019 to define the soil fitness for the …