[HTML][HTML] Yeast protein as an easily accessible food source

ME Jach, A Serefko, M Ziaja, M Kieliszek - Metabolites, 2022 - mdpi.com
In recent years, the awareness and willingness of consumers to consume healthy food has
grown significantly. In order to meet these needs, scientists are looking for innovative …

Yeast proteins: The novel and sustainable alternative protein in food applications

J Ma, Y Sun, D Meng, Z Zhou, Y Zhang… - Trends in Food Science & …, 2023 - Elsevier
Background In the past 20 years, the global per capita protein demand has been increasing
year by year, and thus the search for sustainable and healthier alternative proteins is the …

[HTML][HTML] Single cell protein: A potential substitute in human and animal nutrition

BC Bratosin, S Darjan, DC Vodnar - Sustainability, 2021 - mdpi.com
Single cell protein (SCP) is the first product of the fermentation process and has proven to be
a good protein alternative. Food competition is becoming more intense as the world's …

Recovery of agricultural waste biomass: A path for circular bioeconomy

PK Sadh, P Chawla, S Kumar, A Das, R Kumar… - Science of the Total …, 2023 - Elsevier
Circular bio-economy is a significant approach to resolving global issues elevated by
environmental pollution. The generation of bioenergy and biomaterials can withstand the …

Emergent food proteins–Towards sustainability, health and innovation

LH Fasolin, RN Pereira, AC Pinheiro, JT Martins… - Food research …, 2019 - Elsevier
There is an increasing demand for alternative and sustainable protein sources, such as
vegetables, insects and microorganisms, that can meet the nutritional and sensory …

Comprehensive insights into sustainable conversion of agricultural and food waste into microbial protein for animal feed production

K Rasool, S Hussain, A Shahzad, W Miran… - … Science and Bio …, 2023 - Springer
The growing global population and higher living standards instantly demand the transition in
the direction of a sustainable food system. A substantial section of means and agricultural …

[HTML][HTML] Recent advances in the production of single cell protein from renewable resources and applications

DI Koukoumaki, E Tsouko, S Papanikolaou… - Carbon Resources …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Single Cell Protein (SCP) refers to dry cells of microorganisms, and it constitutes a
highly promising and alternative protein source for multiple applications. SCP presents a …

[HTML][HTML] Single-cell protein production as a strategy to reincorporate food waste and agro by-products back into the processing chain

NJ Salazar-López, GA Barco-Mendoza… - Bioengineering, 2022 - mdpi.com
Food waste is a serious problem with negative environmental and economic consequences.
Unused food (either as waste or by-products and referred to as food residues in the present …

Yeast protein as a novel protein source: Processing, functional properties, and potential applications in foods

C Ma, S **a, J Song, Y Hou, T Hao, S Shen, K Li… - Innovative Food Science …, 2024 - Elsevier
Finding alternative sources of protein is a solution to the shortage of protein caused by
societal, environmental, and health concerns. Due to its environmental friendliness …

High-yield production of single-cell protein from starch processing wastewater using co-cultivation of yeasts

Y Tian, J Li, J Meng, J Li - Bioresource Technology, 2023 - Elsevier
Single-cell protein (SCP) from potato starch processing wastewater (PSPW) shows great
potential against protein scarcity and unsustainable production of plant and animal proteins …