Back to basics: The importance of conceptual clarification in psychological science
Although the lack of conceptual clarity has been observed to be a widespread and
fundamental problem in psychology, conceptual clarification plays a mostly marginal role in …
fundamental problem in psychology, conceptual clarification plays a mostly marginal role in …
[HTML][HTML] Social comparison effects on academic self-concepts—which peers matter most?
Social comparisons with peers are important sources of self-development during
adolescence. Many previous studies showed that students' academic self-concepts (ASC) …
adolescence. Many previous studies showed that students' academic self-concepts (ASC) …
In-group bias or out-group reluctance? The interplay of gender and religion in creating religious friendship segregation among Muslim youth
Even in diverse schools that provide opportunities for interreligious friendships, Muslim
youth disproportionally tend to be friends with Muslims rather than non-Muslims. Echoing …
youth disproportionally tend to be friends with Muslims rather than non-Muslims. Echoing …
[HTML][HTML] How adolescents' popularity perceptions change: Measuring interactions between popularity and friendship networks
Longitudinal multivariate social network analysis (N= 3692 adolescents; 136 classrooms)
showed that adolescents were more likely to perceive their friends as popular but did not …
showed that adolescents were more likely to perceive their friends as popular but did not …
The gendered maths confidence gap, social influence and social integration
While there is little discernible difference between girls and boys in maths competence
during secondary education, on average, girls have lower confidence in their maths skills …
during secondary education, on average, girls have lower confidence in their maths skills …
Bridge the gap or mind the gap? The role of leader coaching and communication technologies in configurationally dispersed teams
Configurational dispersion describes the distribution of team members across sites. Two of
its dimensions include how unevenly members are distributed—ie, configurational …
its dimensions include how unevenly members are distributed—ie, configurational …
Peerbeziehungen in der Sporthalle–Soziale Netzwerke im Sportunterricht
Peerbeziehungen gelten als relevante Faktoren im Hinblick auf verschiedene (sport-)
unterrichtliche Konstrukte, wurden in der Forschung aber bisher zumeist allein auf Basis von …
unterrichtliche Konstrukte, wurden in der Forschung aber bisher zumeist allein auf Basis von …
Primary school students' attitudes towards peers displaying hyperactivity: Examining impacts of homophily and inter‐group contact on students' social inclusion
Earlier research has indicated that students displaying hyperactivity struggle with their social
inclusion. To foster social inclusion, students' attitudes as well as inter‐group contact have …
inclusion. To foster social inclusion, students' attitudes as well as inter‐group contact have …
Comparing different facets of the social integration of high-achieving students in their classroom: No gender stereoty**, but some nonlinear relationships.
Prior research has found that student achievement is positively related to students' social
standing in class. However, negative stereotypes about high academic achievers prevail …
standing in class. However, negative stereotypes about high academic achievers prevail …
Ambiguous Status Relations and Complex Hierarchy among Adolescents
P McMahan - Socius, 2024 -
Informal status hierarchy is a ubiquitous feature of social life, and it is one that drives
dynamics of dominance, influence, exclusion, and stratification. Utilizing data from the …
dynamics of dominance, influence, exclusion, and stratification. Utilizing data from the …