Precipitation processes in near-equiatomic TiNi shape memory alloys

M Nishida, CM Wayman, T Honma - Metallurgical Transactions A, 1986‏ - Springer
Metallographic studies have been made of precipitation processes in Ti-50 pct Ni and Ti-52
pct Ni (at. pct) shape memory alloys. The eutectoid and peritectoid reactions previously …

Recent development of TiNi-based shape memory alloys in Taiwan

SK Wu, HC Lin - Materials Chemistry and physics, 2000‏ - Elsevier
TiNi-based alloys are considered to be the most important shape memory alloys (SMAs)
because of their salient shape memory effect (SME), pseudoelasticity (PE) and high …

The effects of cold rolling on the martensitic transformation of an equiatomic TiNi alloy

HC Lin, SK Wu, TS Chou, HP Kao - Acta metallurgica et materialia, 1991‏ - Elsevier
The effects of cold rolling on the martensitic transformation of an equiatomic TiNi alloy have
been studied by internal friction and shear modulus measurements, hardness test and TEM …

Effect of ageing treatment on the transformation behaviour of Ti–50.9 at.% Ni alloy

Y Zheng, F Jiang, L Li, H Yang, Y Liu - Acta Materialia, 2008‏ - Elsevier
This study investigated the effect of ageing on the transformation behaviour of a Ti–50.9 at.%
Ni alloy. Ageing at below 573K was found to suppress the original A↔ M transformation …

A study on the machining characteristics of TiNi shape memory alloys

HC Lin, KM Lin, YC Chen - Journal of materials processing technology, 2000‏ - Elsevier
The machining characteristics of TiNi shape memory alloys (SMAs) have been studied. The
time needed to cut TiNi SMAs is found to decrease with increasing blade rotation speed and …

A new precipitate phase in a TiNiHf high temperature shape memory alloy

XD Han, R Wang, Z Zhang, DZ Yang - Acta materialia, 1998‏ - Elsevier
A precipitate phase in a Ti36. 5Ni48. 5Hf15 high temperature shape memory alloy aged at
873K for 150h has been studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high …

Crystal structure and morphology of the metastable X phase in shape memory Ti-Ni alloys

T Saburi, S Nenno, T Fukuda - Journal of the Less Common Metals, 1986‏ - Elsevier
The crystal structure and the morphology of the metastable X phase which appears in shape
memory Ti-Ni alloys have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray …

A study on the machinability of a Ti49. 6Ni50. 4 shape memory alloy

SK Wu, HC Lin, CC Chen - Materials Letters, 1999‏ - Elsevier
The machinability of a Ti49. 6Ni50. 4 shape memory alloy (SMA) has been studied by using
a mechanical cutting test. There is a wide hardened layer in front of the cutting edge of the …

Martensitic transformations and the shape memory effect in Ti50Ni10Au40 and Ti50Au50 alloys

SK Wu, CM Wayman - Metallography, 1987‏ - Elsevier
Abstract Martensitic transformations in Ti 50 Ni 10 Au 40 and Ti 50 Au 50 alloys are of the
type B2 a3 B19 (2H) as found in a Au-47.5% Cd alloy. The M s temperatures of the Ti 50 Ni …

Determination of heat of transformation in a cold-rolled martensitic TiNi alloy

HC Lin, SK Wu - Metallurgical Transactions A, 1993‏ - Springer
We studied the heat of transformation, ΔH, in martensitic transformations in a cold-rolled
equiatomic TiNi alloy with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) …