Plasma magnetic control in tokamak devices

G De Tommasi - Journal of Fusion Energy, 2019 - Springer
In tokamak experimental reactors, the magnetic control system is one of the main plasma
control systems that is required, together with the density control, since the very beginning …

Remote experiment with WEST from ITER Remote Experimentation Centre

S Tokunaga, P Moreau, J Signoret, F Imbeaux… - Fusion Engineering and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Remote experiment with WEST tokamak in CEA Cadarache from ITER Remote
Experimentation Centre (REC) in Rokkasho had been successfully carried out under the …

Infrastructural Hardware Platform of the Common IT Space for Fusion Research (Fusionspace. ru)

SS Portone, EY Mironova, OI Semenov… - Physics of Atomic …, 2023 - Springer
The technological basis for fast information exchange, centralized data storage, combining
hardware infrastructure and collaboration of professionals is required to perform distributed …

Model-based plasma vertical stabilization and position control at EAST

G De Tommasi, BJ **ao, R Albanese… - Fusion Engineering and …, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper deals with the model-based approach that has been adopted to design the
plasma magnetic control at the EAST tokamak. Such a design approach, which is based on …

R&D activities for fusion DEMO in the QST Rokkasho Fusion Institute

Y Ishii, N Aiba, M Ando, N Asakura… - Fusion Science and …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
The current status and the progress of research and development (R&D) activities for a
Fusion DEMO reactor in the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and …

Design for the distributed data locator service for multi-site data repositories

H Nakanishi, K Yamanaka, S Tokunaga, T Ozeki… - Fusion Engineering and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract The Remote Experimentation Centre (REC) in Japan has been preparing to
replicate the full dataset of ITER over 10 000 km distance. In such a multi-site data repository …

[PDF][PDF] Развитие аппаратно-инфраструктурной платформы информационно-коммуникационного пространства как инструмента интеграции исследований в …

СС Портоне, ЕЮ Миронова, ОИ Семенов… - ВАНТ. Сер …, 2022 -
Для организации территориально-распределённой совместной научной деятельности
необходима технологическая база, обеспечивающая быстрый информационный …

Demonstration of High-Speed Data Replication Relay Across Multiple Repository Sites Using a Global Loop Path

H Nakanishi, K Yamanaka, S Tokunaga… - Plasma and Fusion …, 2021 -
ITER Remote Experimentation Centre (REC) has been constructed in QST Rokkasho Fusion
Institute as one of the Japan–EU Broader Approach (BA) activities to complement the ITER …

[PDF][PDF] First Verification Tests for Remote Participation at ITER REC

S Clement-Lorenzo, JF Artaud… - Proc. 27th IAEA …, 2018 -
The long-term objective of the ITER Remote Experimentation Centre (REC) in Rokkasho is
to allow researchers to take part in the experimentation on ITER from a remote location. On a …

Investigation of Required Network-Storage System toward Fusion Information Science Center in Rokkasho

S Tokunaga, H Nakanishi, K Yamanaka… - Plasma and Fusion …, 2022 -
To demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of controlled fusion energy, ITER
is under construction in Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France. ITER is a large-scale scientific …