What do we know about aging and emotion regulation?
Older adults report surprisingly positive affective experience. The idea that older adults are
better at emotion regulation has emerged as an intuitively appealing explanation for why …
better at emotion regulation has emerged as an intuitively appealing explanation for why …
[HTML][HTML] Advancing a temporal framework for understanding the biology of nonsuicidal self-injury: an expert review
Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is a serious clinical problem, particularly for adolescents and
young adults. NSSI is a complex behavior that emerges through the intersecting effects of …
young adults. NSSI is a complex behavior that emerges through the intersecting effects of …
The psychological health benefits of accepting negative emotions and thoughts: Laboratory, diary, and longitudinal evidence.
Individuals differ in the degree to which they tend to habitually accept their emotions and
thoughts without judging them—a process here referred to as habitual acceptance …
thoughts without judging them—a process here referred to as habitual acceptance …
Cognitive reappraisal and acceptance: Effects on emotion, physiology, and perceived cognitive costs.
Two emotion regulation strategies—cognitive reappraisal and acceptance—are both
associated with beneficial psychological health outcomes over time. However, it remains …
associated with beneficial psychological health outcomes over time. However, it remains …
A cognitive-emotional model of NSSI: Using emotion regulation and cognitive processes to explain why people self-injure
Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is a complex behaviour, routinely engaged for emotion
regulatory purposes. As such, a number of theoretical accounts regarding the aetiology and …
regulatory purposes. As such, a number of theoretical accounts regarding the aetiology and …
Among young adults, nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is a common emotion regulation (ER), or
co**, strategy. Most studies have sought to clarify the role of self-injury as a co** …
co**, strategy. Most studies have sought to clarify the role of self-injury as a co** …