[PDF][PDF] The role of e-learning, advantages and disadvantages of its adoption in higher education

V Arkorful, N Abaidoo - … journal of instructional technology and distance …, 2015 - Citeseer
This study investigates the effectiveness of using e-learning in teaching in tertiary
institutions. In institutions of higher education, the issue of utilizing modern information and …

Technology enhanced teaching and learning in South African higher education–A rearview of a 20 year journey

D Ng'ambi, C Brown, V Bozalek… - British Journal of …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
In the last 20 years, the South African higher education has changed significantly, influenced
by global trends national development goals and pressure from local educational …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis of student attitudes towards e-learning: The case of engineering students in Libya

A Rhema, I Miliszewska - Issues in informing science and information …, 2014 - vuir.vu.edu.au
Student attitudes and beliefs towards e-learning, as well as their satisfaction with technology
and past e-learning experiences are regarded as success determinants of future e-learning …

[PDF][PDF] Implementing e-learning in the Jordanian Higher Education System: Factors affecting impact

A Al-Adwan, J Smedley - … of Education and Development using ICT, 2012 - learntechlib.org
The increased involvement of technology in all aspects of our lives places educational
institutions under pressure to include these aspects at the heart of their learning services …

A study of the relationship between institutional policy, organisational culture and e-learning use in four South African universities

L Czerniewicz, C Brown - Computers & Education, 2009 - Elsevier
This article investigates the relationship between policy (conceptualised as goals, values
and resources), organisational culture and e-learning use. Through both qualitative and …

Evaluation of elearning usage in South African universities: A critical review

E Bagarukayo, B Kalema - … of Education and Development using ICT, 2015 - learntechlib.org
Although eLearning is the use of technology for teaching, learning and assessment, there is
no common approach to it across South African Higher Education Institutions. There is …

The habitus of digital “strangers” in higher education

L Czerniewicz, C Brown - British Journal of Educational …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Research into South African students' digitally mediated learning and social
practices revealed a subgroup termed “digital strangers,” students lacking both experience …

Online Teaching and Learning Experiences of Higher Education Lecturers and Students in the COVID-19 Era: A Leap to Digital Pedagogies?

R Moyo, S Ngidi, M Koai… - Journal of Culture and …, 2022 - cultureandvalues.org
The swift transition from face-to-face contact to online learning due to coronavirus (COVID-
19) in teaching and learning is unprecedented on the globe, fraught with a myriad of …

Influence of teachers attitude on ict implementation in kenyan universities

TN Bariu, X Chun - Cogent Education, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Universities worldwide have been implementing ICT in their curriculum due to the global
demand to acquire and access skills and knowledge by learners in the 21st century …

Students make a plan: understanding student agency in constraining conditions

L Czerniewicz, K Williams, C Brown - ALT-J, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
Drawing on Archer's perspectives on the agency/structure relationship, this paper explains
situations where students in varied, challenging circumstances find ways to negotiate …