Potential optical functional crystals with large birefringence: Recent advances and future prospects
A Tudi, S Han, Z Yang, S Pan - Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2022 - Elsevier
Birefringence is one of key performance for optical functional crystals owing to their
indispensable role in angle phase-matching or adjusting the polarization of light. In the past …
indispensable role in angle phase-matching or adjusting the polarization of light. In the past …
Emerging chalcohalide materials for energy applications
Semiconductors with multiple anions currently provide a new materials platform from which
improved functionality emerges, posing new challenges and opportunities in material …
improved functionality emerges, posing new challenges and opportunities in material …
Halide-guided active site exposure in bismuth electrocatalysts for selective CO2 conversion into formic acid
It remains a challenge to identify the active sites of bismuth catalysts in the electrochemical
CO2 reduction reaction. Here we show through in situ characterization that the activation of …
CO2 reduction reaction. Here we show through in situ characterization that the activation of …
Synchronized crystallization in tin-lead perovskite solar cells
Y Zhang, C Li, H Zhao, Z Yu, X Tang, J Zhang… - nature …, 2024 - nature.com
Tin-lead halide perovskites with a bandgap near 1.2 electron-volt hold great promise for thin-
film photovoltaics. However, the film quality of solution-processed Sn-Pb perovskites is …
film photovoltaics. However, the film quality of solution-processed Sn-Pb perovskites is …
Recent advances in designing thermoelectric materials
The rising demand for energy has accelerated the search for clean and renewable sources
and newer approaches towards efficient energy management. One of the most promising …
and newer approaches towards efficient energy management. One of the most promising …
The thermoelectric properties of bismuth telluride
Bismuth telluride is the working material for most Peltier cooling devices and thermoelectric
generators. This is because Bi2Te3 (or more precisely its alloys with Sb2Te3 for p‐type and …
generators. This is because Bi2Te3 (or more precisely its alloys with Sb2Te3 for p‐type and …
Life on the Urbach edge
The Urbach energy is an expression of the static and dynamic disorder in a semiconductor
and is directly accessible via optical characterization techniques. The strength of this metric …
and is directly accessible via optical characterization techniques. The strength of this metric …
Develo** sustainable, high-performance perovskites in photocatalysis: design strategies and applications
Solar energy is attractive because it is free, renewable, abundant and sustainable.
Photocatalysis is one of the feasible routes to utilize solar energy for the degradation of …
Photocatalysis is one of the feasible routes to utilize solar energy for the degradation of …
Insights into low thermal conductivity in inorganic materials for thermoelectrics
Efficient manipulation of thermal conductivity and fundamental understanding of the
microscopic mechanisms of phonon scattering in crystalline solids are crucial to achieve …
microscopic mechanisms of phonon scattering in crystalline solids are crucial to achieve …
Band Gap Narrowing by Suppressed Lone-Pair Activity of Bi3+
Post-transition metal cations with a lone pair (n s2 n p0) electronic configuration such as
Pb2+ and Bi3+ are important components of materials for solar-to-energy conversion. As in …
Pb2+ and Bi3+ are important components of materials for solar-to-energy conversion. As in …