The effect of lexical predictability on eye movements in reading: Critical review and theoretical interpretation

A Staub - Language and linguistics compass, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
A word's predictability in its context has a reliable influence on eye movements in reading.
This article reviews the extensive literature that has investigated this influence, focusing on …

Parafoveal processing in reading

ER Schotter, B Angele, K Rayner - Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2012 - Springer
The present review summarizes research investigating how words are identified
parafoveally (and foveally) in reading. Parafoveal and foveal processing are compared …

The 35th Sir Frederick Bartlett Lecture: Eye movements and attention in reading, scene perception, and visual search

K Rayner - Quarterly journal of experimental psychology, 2009 -
Eye movements are now widely used to investigate cognitive processes during reading,
scene perception, and visual search. In this article, research on the following topics is …

Comprehension of multiple documents with conflicting information: A two-step model of validation

T Richter, J Maier - Educational psychologist, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
In this article, we examine the cognitive processes that are involved when readers
comprehend conflicting information in multiple texts. Starting from the notion of routine …

No prediction error cost in reading: Evidence from eye movements

S Frisson, DR Harvey, A Staub - Journal of Memory and Language, 2017 - Elsevier
Two eye movement while reading experiments address the issue of how reading of an
unpredictable word is influenced by the presence of a more predictable alternative. The …

Event-based plausibility immediately influences on-line language comprehension.

K Matsuki, T Chow, M Hare, JL Elman… - Journal of …, 2011 -
In some theories of sentence comprehension, linguistically relevant lexical knowledge, such
as selectional restrictions, is privileged in terms of the time-course of its access and …

Validation in reading comprehension

M Singer - Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2013 -
Language comprehension involves analysis at the level of the word, sentence, and
message and the integration of message meaning with the prior discourse and world …

Validation and comprehension of text information: Two sides of the same coin

T Richter - Discourse Processes, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
In psychological research, the comprehension of linguistic information and the knowledge-
based assessment of its validity are often regarded as two separate stages of information …

Parafoveal-on-foveal effects on eye movements during reading

D Drieghe - 2011 -
Parafoveal-on-foveal effects refer to the possibility that processing of the parafoveal word
can influence the fixation durations on the foveal word during reading. In this chapter, I will …

Is semantic preview benefit due to relatedness or plausibility?

A Veldre, S Andrews - Journal of Experimental Psychology …, 2016 -
There is increasing evidence that skilled readers of English benefit from processing a
parafoveal preview of a semantically related word. However, in previous investigations of …