Accounting for electronic polarization in non-polarizable force fields
The issues of electronic polarizability in molecular dynamics simulations are discussed. We
argue that the charges of ionized groups in proteins, and charges of ions in conventional …
argue that the charges of ionized groups in proteins, and charges of ions in conventional …
Proton-coupled electron transfer
RI Cukier, DG Nocera - Annual review of physical chemistry, 1998 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract Proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) is an important mechanism for charge
transfer in a wide variety of systems including biology-and materials-oriented venues. We …
transfer in a wide variety of systems including biology-and materials-oriented venues. We …
Implicit solvent models
B Roux, T Simonson - Biophysical chemistry, 1999 - Elsevier
Implicit solvent models for biomolecular simulations are reviewed and their underlying
statistical mechanical basis is discussed. The fundamental quantity that implicit models seek …
statistical mechanical basis is discussed. The fundamental quantity that implicit models seek …
Dielectric relaxation and solvation dynamics of water in complex chemical and biological systems
Because of its unique properties, water drives many natural and biological processes. While
a detailed understanding of its precise role is still being unravelled, it is clear that the …
a detailed understanding of its precise role is still being unravelled, it is clear that the …
Charge screening and the dielectric constant of proteins: insights from molecular dynamics
T Simonson, CL Brooks - Journal of the American Chemical …, 1996 - ACS Publications
The dielectric constants of myoglobin, apomyoglobin, the B fragment of staphylococcal
protein A, and the immunoglobulin-binding domain of streptococcal protein G are calculated …
protein A, and the immunoglobulin-binding domain of streptococcal protein G are calculated …
Consistent Calculations of pKa's of Ionizable Residues in Proteins: Semi-microscopic and Microscopic Approaches
YY Sham, ZT Chu, A Warshel - The Journal of Physical Chemistry …, 1997 - ACS Publications
One of the most direct benchmarks for electrostatic models of macromolecules is provided
by the p K a's of ionizable groups in proteins. Obtaining accurate results for such a …
by the p K a's of ionizable groups in proteins. Obtaining accurate results for such a …
Proton Binding to Proteins: pKa Calculations with Explicit and Implicit Solvent Models
Ionizable residues play important roles in protein structure and activity, and proton binding is
a valuable reporter of electrostatic interactions in these systems. We use molecular …
a valuable reporter of electrostatic interactions in these systems. We use molecular …
Electronic continuum model for molecular dynamics simulations
A simple model for accounting for electronic polarization in molecular dynamics (MD)
simulations is discussed. In this model, called molecular dynamics electronic continuum …
simulations is discussed. In this model, called molecular dynamics electronic continuum …
[PDF][PDF] Electrostatic models for computing protonation and redox equilibria in proteins
Electrostatic interactions are the most relevant for understanding biochemical systems. Acid-
base and redox reactions create or destroy unit charges in biomolecules and can thus be …
base and redox reactions create or destroy unit charges in biomolecules and can thus be …
Understanding photosynthetic light-harvesting: a bottom up theoretical approach
T Renger, F Müh - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013 - pubs.rsc.org
We discuss a bottom up approach for modeling photosynthetic light-harvesting. Methods are
reviewed for a full structure-based parameterization of the Hamiltonian of pigment–protein …
reviewed for a full structure-based parameterization of the Hamiltonian of pigment–protein …