Remote sensing in forestry: current challenges, considerations and directions
Remote sensing has developed into an omnipresent technology in the scientific field of
forestry and is also increasingly used in an operational fashion. However, the pace and level …
forestry and is also increasingly used in an operational fashion. However, the pace and level …
Remote sensing and forest inventories in Nordic countries–roadmap for the future
The Nordic countries have long traditions in forest inventory and remote sensing (RS). In
sample-based national forest inventories (NFIs), utilization of aerial photographs started …
sample-based national forest inventories (NFIs), utilization of aerial photographs started …
Nationwide native forest structure maps for Argentina based on forest inventory data, SAR Sentinel-1 and vegetation metrics from Sentinel-2 imagery
Detailed maps of forest structure attributes are crucial for sustainable forest management,
conservation, and forest ecosystem science at the landscape level. Map** the structure of …
conservation, and forest ecosystem science at the landscape level. Map** the structure of …
[HTML][HTML] Growing stock monitoring by European National Forest Inventories: Historical origins, current methods and harmonisation
Wood resources have been essential for human welfare throughout history. Also nowadays,
the volume of growing stock (GS) is considered one of the most important forest attributes …
the volume of growing stock (GS) is considered one of the most important forest attributes …
Use of models in large-area forest surveys: comparing model-assisted, model-based and hybrid estimation
This paper focuses on the use of models for increasing the precision of estimators in large-
area forest surveys. It is motivated by the increasing availability of remotely sensed data …
area forest surveys. It is motivated by the increasing availability of remotely sensed data …
[PDF][PDF] Aboveground woody biomass product validation good practices protocol
Remote sensing (RS) studies aiming at map** forest biomass typically rely on ground-
based estimates of biomass for calibration or validation. Whatever the biophysical variable …
based estimates of biomass for calibration or validation. Whatever the biophysical variable …
[HTML][HTML] Estimating forest volume and biomass and their changes using random forests and remotely sensed data
J Esteban, RE McRoberts, A Fernández-Landa… - Remote Sensing, 2019 - mdpi.com
Despite the popularity of random forests (RF) as a prediction algorithm, methods for
constructing confidence intervals for population means using this technique are still only …
constructing confidence intervals for population means using this technique are still only …
Map** aboveground biomass and its prediction uncertainty using LiDAR and field data, accounting for tree-level allometric and LiDAR model errors
Background The increasing availability of remotely sensed data has recently challenged the
traditional way of performing forest inventories, and induced an interest in model-based …
traditional way of performing forest inventories, and induced an interest in model-based …
An approach to estimating forest biomass while quantifying estimate uncertainty and correcting bias in machine learning maps
Providing forest biomass estimates with desired accuracy and precision for small areas is a
key challenge to incorporating forest carbon offsets into commodity trading programs …
key challenge to incorporating forest carbon offsets into commodity trading programs …
Generalized hierarchical model-based estimation for aboveground biomass assessment using GEDI and landsat data
Recent developments in remote sensing (RS) technology have made several sources of
auxiliary data available to support forest inventories. Thus, a pertinent question is how …
auxiliary data available to support forest inventories. Thus, a pertinent question is how …