Street-level bureaucracy in weak state institutions: a systematic review of the literature
R Peeters, SA Campos - International Review of …, 2023 -
The study of street-level bureaucracy has been dominated by research from the Global
North. Mainstream conceptualizations are, therefore, based on observations from …
North. Mainstream conceptualizations are, therefore, based on observations from …
The politics of universal health coverage
The UN has declared universal health coverage an urgent global goal. Efforts to achieve this
goal have been supported by rigorous research on the scientific, technical, and …
goal have been supported by rigorous research on the scientific, technical, and …
Emotional responses to bureaucratic red tape
Although red tape has a long history in public administration research, the emotional
consequences of bureaucratic procedures for citizens have received little attention in the …
consequences of bureaucratic procedures for citizens have received little attention in the …
Just or unjust? How ideological beliefs shape street‐level bureaucrats' perceptions of administrative burden
Existing research finds that increases in administrative burden reduce client access, political
efficacy, and equity. However, extant literature has yet to investigate how administrative …
efficacy, and equity. However, extant literature has yet to investigate how administrative …
Street‐level bureaucrats and policy entrepreneurship: When implementers challenge policy design
Linking street‐level bureaucracy with policy entrepreneurship is a new, ongoing trend in the
literature. We claim that in various cases one must consider street‐level policy …
literature. We claim that in various cases one must consider street‐level policy …
Recontextualizing street‐level bureaucracy in the develo** world
Abstract This Special Issue was driven by the need to better understand the theoretical,
methodological, and practical implications of the growing mobilization of the street‐level …
methodological, and practical implications of the growing mobilization of the street‐level …
Thick red tape and the thin blue line: A field study on reducing administrative burden in police recruitment
Police departments struggle to recruit officers, and voluntary drop‐off of candidates
exacerbates this challenge. Using four years of administrative data and a field experiment …
exacerbates this challenge. Using four years of administrative data and a field experiment …
How to influence the professional discretion of street-level bureaucrats: transformational leadership, organizational learning, and professionalization strategies in the …
H Zhang, L Yang, R Walker, Y Wang - Public Management Review, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Develo** professional discretion of street-level bureaucrats (SLBs) is not only an
important strategy for bridging the gap between public service rules at policy level and …
important strategy for bridging the gap between public service rules at policy level and …
Employees' Change Support in the Public Sector—A Multi‐Time Field Study Examining the Formation of Intentions and Behaviors
AB Ahmad, T Straatmann, K Mueller… - Public Administration …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Recent micro‐level research on public sector reform and change highlights the importance
of employees' reactions to change. Based on the assumption that intentions determine …
of employees' reactions to change. Based on the assumption that intentions determine …
“All still quiet on the non-Western front?” Non-Western public service motivation scholarship: 2015–2020
Public service motivation (PSM) scholarship has mushroomed since the early 2000s. After
initially being an exclusively Western field of study, scholarship has recently become more …
initially being an exclusively Western field of study, scholarship has recently become more …