Street-level bureaucracy in weak state institutions: a systematic review of the literature

R Peeters, SA Campos - International Review of …, 2023 -
The study of street-level bureaucracy has been dominated by research from the Global
North. Mainstream conceptualizations are, therefore, based on observations from …

The politics of universal health coverage

CJ Ho, H Khalid, K Skead, J Wong - The Lancet, 2022 -
The UN has declared universal health coverage an urgent global goal. Efforts to achieve this
goal have been supported by rigorous research on the scientific, technical, and …

Emotional responses to bureaucratic red tape

F Hattke, D Hensel, J Kalucza - Public Administration Review, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Although red tape has a long history in public administration research, the emotional
consequences of bureaucratic procedures for citizens have received little attention in the …

Just or unjust? How ideological beliefs shape street‐level bureaucrats' perceptions of administrative burden

E Bell, A Ter‐Mkrtchyan, W Wehde… - Public Administration …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Existing research finds that increases in administrative burden reduce client access, political
efficacy, and equity. However, extant literature has yet to investigate how administrative …

Street‐level bureaucrats and policy entrepreneurship: When implementers challenge policy design

N Cohen, NF Aviram - Public Administration, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Linking street‐level bureaucracy with policy entrepreneurship is a new, ongoing trend in the
literature. We claim that in various cases one must consider street‐level policy …

Recontextualizing street‐level bureaucracy in the develo** world

G Lotta, R Pires, M Hill… - Public Administration and …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract This Special Issue was driven by the need to better understand the theoretical,
methodological, and practical implications of the growing mobilization of the street‐level …

Thick red tape and the thin blue line: A field study on reducing administrative burden in police recruitment

E Linos, N Riesch - Public Administration Review, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Police departments struggle to recruit officers, and voluntary drop‐off of candidates
exacerbates this challenge. Using four years of administrative data and a field experiment …

How to influence the professional discretion of street-level bureaucrats: transformational leadership, organizational learning, and professionalization strategies in the …

H Zhang, L Yang, R Walker, Y Wang - Public Management Review, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Develo** professional discretion of street-level bureaucrats (SLBs) is not only an
important strategy for bridging the gap between public service rules at policy level and …

Employees' Change Support in the Public Sector—A Multi‐Time Field Study Examining the Formation of Intentions and Behaviors

AB Ahmad, T Straatmann, K Mueller… - Public Administration …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Recent micro‐level research on public sector reform and change highlights the importance
of employees' reactions to change. Based on the assumption that intentions determine …

“All still quiet on the non-Western front?” Non-Western public service motivation scholarship: 2015–2020

A Mussagulova, Z Van der Wal - Asia Pacific Journal of Public …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Public service motivation (PSM) scholarship has mushroomed since the early 2000s. After
initially being an exclusively Western field of study, scholarship has recently become more …