[HTML][HTML] Applications of machine learning to water resources management: A review of present status and future opportunities
Water is the most valuable natural resource on earth that plays a critical role in the socio-
economic development of humans worldwide. Water is used for various purposes, including …
economic development of humans worldwide. Water is used for various purposes, including …
Comprehensive survey of artificial intelligence techniques and strategies for climate change mitigation
With the gallo** progress of the changing climates all around the world, Machine Learning
(ML) approaches have been prevalently studied in many types of research in this area. ML is …
(ML) approaches have been prevalently studied in many types of research in this area. ML is …
Performance of machine learning methods in predicting water quality index based on irregular data set: application on Illizi region (Algerian southeast)
Groundwater quality appraisal is one of the most crucial tasks to ensure safe drinking water
sources. Concurrently, a water quality index (WQI) requires some water quality parameters …
sources. Concurrently, a water quality index (WQI) requires some water quality parameters …
Forecast of rainfall distribution based on fixed sliding window long short-term memory
Applying data mining techniques for rainfall modeling because of a lack of sufficient memory
components may increase uncertainty in rainfall forecasting. To solve this issue, in this …
components may increase uncertainty in rainfall forecasting. To solve this issue, in this …
Water quality index modeling using random forest and improved SMO algorithm for support vector machine in Saf-Saf river basin
The water quality index is one of the prominent general indicators to assess and classify
surface water quality, which plays a critical role in river water resources practices. This …
surface water quality, which plays a critical role in river water resources practices. This …
[HTML][HTML] Future trends of reference evapotranspiration in Sicily based on CORDEX data and Machine Learning algorithms
In years of increasing impact of climate change effects, a reliable characterization of the
spatiotemporal evolutionary dynamics of evapotranspiration can enable a significant …
spatiotemporal evolutionary dynamics of evapotranspiration can enable a significant …
Applications of various data-driven models for the prediction of groundwater quality index in the Akot basin, Maharashtra, India
Data-driven models are important to predict groundwater quality which is controlling human
health. The water quality index (WQI) has been developed based on the physicochemical …
health. The water quality index (WQI) has been developed based on the physicochemical …
The impact of climate changes on the water footprint of wheat and maize production in the Nile Delta, Egypt
Spatial-temporal information of different water resources is essential to rationally manage,
sustainably develop, and optimally utilize water. This study focused on simulating future …
sustainably develop, and optimally utilize water. This study focused on simulating future …
A survey towards decision support system on smart irrigation scheduling using machine learning approaches
From last decade, Big data analytics and machine learning is a hotspot research area in the
domain of agriculture. Agriculture analytics is a data intensive multidisciplinary problem. Big …
domain of agriculture. Agriculture analytics is a data intensive multidisciplinary problem. Big …
Estimation of actual evapotranspiration: A novel hybrid method based on remote sensing and artificial intelligence
Actual evapotranspiration (AET) is one of the decisive factors controlling the water balance
at the catchment level, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions, but measured data for …
at the catchment level, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions, but measured data for …