Task and material properties interactively affect softness explorations along different dimensions
Haptic research has frequently equated softness with the compliance of elastic objects.
However, in a recent study we have suggested that compliance is not the only perceived …
However, in a recent study we have suggested that compliance is not the only perceived …
The look and feel of soft are similar across different softness dimensions
The softness of objects can be perceived through several senses. For instance, to judge the
softness of a cat's fur, we do not only look at it, we often also run our fingers through its coat …
softness of a cat's fur, we do not only look at it, we often also run our fingers through its coat …
Haptic coordination: Squeezing a vibrating stress ball decreases anxiety and arousal
We evaluated the effect of haptic coordination on anxiety and arousal. Participants looked at
a stressful or calming image and then repeatedly squeezed a vibrating stress ball for 20 s …
a stressful or calming image and then repeatedly squeezed a vibrating stress ball for 20 s …
An elasticity-curvature illusion decouples cutaneous and proprioceptive cues in active exploration of soft objects
Our sense of touch helps us encounter the richness of our natural world. Across a myriad of
contexts and repetitions, we have learned to deploy certain exploratory movements in order …
contexts and repetitions, we have learned to deploy certain exploratory movements in order …
Tactile exploration strategies with natural compliant objects elicit virtual stiffness cues
When interacting with deformable objects, tactile cues at the finger pad help inform our
perception of material compliance. Nearly all prior studies have relied on highly …
perception of material compliance. Nearly all prior studies have relied on highly …
Sensory words may facilitate certain haptic exploratory procedures in facial cosmetics
N Arakawa, T Watanabe, K Fukushima… - … Journal of Cosmetic …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Objective Many people want to have healthy facial skin. They tend to check their skin's
condition by touching their face with their hands. In the cosmetic industry, we need to …
condition by touching their face with their hands. In the cosmetic industry, we need to …
Thin films on the skin, but not frictional agents, attenuate the percept of pleasantness to brushed stimuli
Brushed stimuli are perceived as pleasant when stroked lightly on the skin surface of a touch
receiver at certain velocities. While the relationship between brush velocity and …
receiver at certain velocities. While the relationship between brush velocity and …
Haptic recognition of texture surfaces using semi-supervised feature learning based on sparse representation
Z Shao, J Bao, J Li, H Tang - Cognitive Computation, 2023 - Springer
Haptic cognitive models are used to map the physical stimuli of texture surfaces to subjective
haptic cognition, providing robotic systems with intelligent haptic cognition to perform …
haptic cognition, providing robotic systems with intelligent haptic cognition to perform …
Talk to us about your skin: The relationship between spoken language and haptic exploratory procedures
N Arakawa, T Watanabe, K Fukushima… - … Journal of Cosmetic …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Objective To enhance satisfaction, the cosmetics industry needs to clearly understand
consumers' descriptions of their key tactile preferences. It is difficult for researchers to …
consumers' descriptions of their key tactile preferences. It is difficult for researchers to …
Response surface of softness perceived via frictional tactile stimuli on flat touch-display
An electrostatic frictional tactile display is used to present softness on a rigid flat-panel
display. The display controlled the friction force of a finger sliding on it. However, the effects …
display. The display controlled the friction force of a finger sliding on it. However, the effects …