Additive manufacturing of nickel-based superalloys: A state-of-the-art review on process-structure-defect-property relationship

A Mostafaei, R Ghiaasiaan, IT Ho, S Strayer… - Progress in Materials …, 2023 - Elsevier
Fusion-based additive manufacturing (AM) has significantly grown to fabricate Nickel-based
superalloys with design freedom across multiple length scales. Several phenomena such as …

[HTML][HTML] Powder Bed Fusion of nickel-based superalloys: A review

S Sanchez, P Smith, Z Xu, G Gaspard, CJ Hyde… - International Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) techniques constitute a family of Additive Manufacturing
(AM) processes, which are characterised by high design flexibility and no tooling …

A comprehensive literature review on laser powder bed fusion of Inconel superalloys

GM Volpato, U Tetzlaff, MC Fredel - Additive Manufacturing, 2022 - Elsevier
Inconel superalloys are one of the main classes of materials with good potential for
production using the additive manufacturing process of laser powder bed fusion (PBF-LB) …

[HTML][HTML] Thermal stability of Ni-based superalloys fabricated through additive manufacturing: A review

H Hamdi, HR Abedi - Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024 - Elsevier
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a cutting-edge technique that builds parts by adding layers
from a digital design and depositing materials selectively where required. AM is vital in …

[HTML][HTML] Dissolution kinetics of Laves phase during homogenization heat treatment of additively manufactured Inconel 718 superalloy

S Ghaemifar, H Mirzadeh - Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023 - Elsevier
The Laves phase in the as-built Inconel 718 (IN718) superalloy is known as undesirable
phase, which limits the industrial applications of the manufactured parts. Post-processing in …

Effects of post-heat treatment on anisotropic mechanical properties of laser additively manufactured IN718

F Zhou, X Hu, Y Zhou, Z Xu, C Guo, G Li, Z Li… - Materials Science and …, 2023 - Elsevier
In this presented work, the effects of different heat treatments on the anisotropic mechanical
properties of Inconel 718 (IN718) fabricated by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) and laser …

Alloy design and adaptation for additive manufacture

AT Clare, RS Mishra, M Merklein, H Tan, I Todd… - Journal of Materials …, 2022 - Elsevier
In this review the authors provide a comprehensive insight into additive manufacturing
process mechanics which explore how thermodynamics give rise to characteristic …

[HTML][HTML] Additive manufacturing of functionally graded inconel 718: Effect of heat treatment and building orientation on microstructure and fatigue behaviour

S Ghorbanpour, K Deshmukh, S Sahu… - Journal of Materials …, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper addresses the effect of the post-process heat treatments on the microstructure
and fatigue crack growth behaviour of the functionally graded (FG) laser powder bed fusion …

[HTML][HTML] The high temperature creep and fracture behavior of Inconel 718 produced by additive manufacturing

TJ Oros, K Son, AM Hodge, ME Kassner - Scripta Materialia, 2024 - Elsevier
High-temperature creep tests of additively manufactured (AM) and wrought nickel alloy 718
(IN718) were conducted at 650° C and 704° C at stresses ranging from 316 to 819 MPa. The …

Effects of heat treatments on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Inconel 718 alloy fabricated by electron beam freeform fabrication

X Liu, T Wang, N Li, L Wei, S Jiang - Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024 - Elsevier
The present study investigated the effects of different heat treatments on the microstructure
and mechanical properties of Inconel 718 alloy fabricated by electron beam freeform …