[PDF][PDF] Human category learning

FG Ashby, WT Maddox - Annual review of psychology, 2005 - matt.colorado.edu
Is the plant edible or poisonous? Is the person friend or foe? Was the sound made by a
predator or by the wind? All organisms assign objects and events in the environment to …

Human category learning 2.0

FG Ashby, WT Maddox - Annals of the New York Academy of …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
During the 1990s and early 2000s, cognitive neuroscience investigations of human category
learning focused on the primary goal of showing that humans have multiple category …

Training to mitigate phishing attacks using mindfulness techniques

ML Jensen, M Dinger, RT Wright… - Journal of Management …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Phishing attacks are at a record high and are causing billions of dollars in losses. To
mitigate phishing's impact, organizations often use rule-based training to teach individuals to …

Dynamic dopamine modulation in the basal ganglia: a neurocomputational account of cognitive deficits in medicated and nonmedicated Parkinsonism

MJ Frank - Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2005 - direct.mit.edu
Dopamine (DA) depletion in the basal ganglia (BG) of Parkinson's patients gives rise to both
frontal-like and implicit learning impairments. Dopaminergic medication alleviates some …

Delayed feedback effects on rule-based and information-integration category learning.

WT Maddox, FG Ashby, CJ Bohil - Journal of experimental …, 2003 - psycnet.apa.org
The effect of immediate versus delayed feedback on rule-based and information-integration
category learning was investigated. Accuracy rates were examined to isolate global …

The roles of the caudate nucleus in human classification learning

CA Seger, CM Cincotta - Journal of Neuroscience, 2005 - jneurosci.org
The caudate nucleus is commonly active when learning relationships between stimuli and
responses or categories. Previous research has not differentiated between the contributions …

Dissociating explicit and procedural-learning based systems of perceptual category learning

WT Maddox, FG Ashby - Behavioural processes, 2004 - Elsevier
A fundamental question is whether people have available one category learning system, or
many. Most multiple systems advocates postulate one explicit and one implicit system …

Category learning and multiple memory systems

FG Ashby, JB O'Brien - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2005 - cell.com
Categorization is a vitally important skill that people use every day. Early theories of
category learning assumed a single learning system, but recent evidence suggests that …

Error and expectation in language learning: The curious absence of mouses in adult speech

M Ramscar, M Dye, SM McCauley - Language, 2013 - muse.jhu.edu
As children learn their mother tongues, they make systematic errors. For example, English-
speaking children regularly say mouses rather than mice. Because children's errors are not …

How do the basal ganglia contribute to categorization? Their roles in generalization, response selection, and learning via feedback

CA Seger - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2008 - Elsevier
This article examines how independent corticostriatal loops linking basal ganglia with
cerebral cortex contribute to visual categorization. The first aspect of categorization …