The effects of IMF programs in the Third World: Debate and evidence from Latin America
M Pastor Jr - World Development, 1987 - Elsevier
This article reviews the debate about the effects of IMF-sponsored stabilization programs in
the Third World. After examining recent studies by Fund economists, results of a new study …
the Third World. After examining recent studies by Fund economists, results of a new study …
Financing vs. forgiving a debt overhang
P Krugman - Journal of development Economics, 1988 - Elsevier
This paper examines the tradeoffs facing creditors of a country whose debt is large enough
that the country cannot attract voluntary new lending. If the country is unable to meet its debt …
that the country cannot attract voluntary new lending. If the country is unable to meet its debt …
Casino capitalism
S Strange - Casino Capitalism, 2015 - manchesterhive.com
I did not know Susan Strange. We never met in person, and neither did we ever correspond.
As I began to contemplate writing this Introduction, a thought struck me. I could not help but …
As I began to contemplate writing this Introduction, a thought struck me. I could not help but …
[PDF][PDF] O consenso de Washington
PN Batista - A visão neoliberal dos problemas latino …, 1994 - professor.pucgoias.edu.br
Em novembro de 1989, reuniram-se na capital dos Estados Unidos funcionários do governo
norte-americano e dos organismos financeiros internacionais ali sediados-FMI, Banco …
norte-americano e dos organismos financeiros internacionais ali sediados-FMI, Banco …
LDC's foreign borrowing and default risk: an empirical investigation
S Edwards - 1983 - nber.org
This paper investigates to what extent the international financial community has taken into
account the risk characteristics of borrowing less developed countries when granting loans …
account the risk characteristics of borrowing less developed countries when granting loans …
Foreign public capital flows
J Eaton - Handbook of development economics, 1989 - Elsevier
The use of foreign capital by develo** countries has varied substantially across countries
and between historical periods. There has been variation both in the aggregate amounts of …
and between historical periods. There has been variation both in the aggregate amounts of …
[Књига][B] The Washington consensus reconsidered: Towards a new global governance
N Serra, JE Stiglitz - 2008 - books.google.com
Introduction: From the Washington Consensus towards a new global governance/Narcís
Serra, Shari Spiegel, Joseph E. Stiglitz--A short history of the Washington Consensus/John …
Serra, Shari Spiegel, Joseph E. Stiglitz--A short history of the Washington Consensus/John …
Latin American debt: I don't think we are in Kansas anymore
CF Diaz-Alejandro, PR Krugman, JD Sachs - Brookings papers on economic …, 1984 - JSTOR
BLAMING VICTIMS is an appealing evasion of responsibility, especially when the victims
are far from virtuous. But when sins are as heterogeneous as those of the Latin American …
are far from virtuous. But when sins are as heterogeneous as those of the Latin American …
Market-based debt-reduction schemes
PR Krugman - 1988 - nber.org
Recently much attention has been given to the idea of reducing the debt of develo**
countries through a" menu approach" of schemes that attempt to harness the discounts on …
countries through a" menu approach" of schemes that attempt to harness the discounts on …
The anatomy of financial crises
B Eichengreen, R Portes - 1987 - nber.org
A financial crisis is a disturbance to financial markets. associated typically with falling asset
prices and insolvency among debtors and intermediaries, which spreads through the …
prices and insolvency among debtors and intermediaries, which spreads through the …