A survey of binary code similarity
Binary code similarityapproaches compare two or more pieces of binary code to identify their
similarities and differences. The ability to compare binary code enables many real-world …
similarities and differences. The ability to compare binary code enables many real-world …
How machine learning is solving the binary function similarity problem
The ability to accurately compute the similarity between two pieces of binary code plays an
important role in a wide range of different problems. Several research communities such as …
important role in a wide range of different problems. Several research communities such as …
A survey of binary code fingerprinting approaches: taxonomy, methodologies, and features
Binary code fingerprinting is crucial in many security applications. Examples include
malware detection, software infringement, vulnerability analysis, and digital forensics. It is …
malware detection, software infringement, vulnerability analysis, and digital forensics. It is …
Deepbindiff: Learning program-wide code representations for binary diffing
Binary diffing analysis quantitatively measures the differences between two given binaries
and produces fine-grained basic block matching. It has been widely used to enable different …
and produces fine-grained basic block matching. It has been widely used to enable different …
Bingo: Cross-architecture cross-os binary search
Binary code search has received much attention recently due to its impactful applications,
eg, plagiarism detection, malware detection and software vulnerability auditing. However …
eg, plagiarism detection, malware detection and software vulnerability auditing. However …
The tangled genealogy of IoT malware
The recent emergence of consumer off-the-shelf embedded (IoT) devices and the rise of
large-scale IoT botnets has dramatically increased the volume and sophistication of Linux …
large-scale IoT botnets has dramatically increased the volume and sophistication of Linux …
Learning approximate execution semantics from traces for binary function similarity
Detecting semantically similar binary functions–a crucial capability with broad security
usages including vulnerability detection, malware analysis, and forensics–requires …
usages including vulnerability detection, malware analysis, and forensics–requires …
{BinSim}: Trace-based semantic binary diffing via system call sliced segment equivalence checking
Detecting differences between two binary executables (binary diffing), first derived from
patch analysis, have been widely employed in various software security analysis tasks, such …
patch analysis, have been widely employed in various software security analysis tasks, such …
Revisiting binary code similarity analysis using interpretable feature engineering and lessons learned
Binary code similarity analysis (BCSA) is widely used for diverse security applications,
including plagiarism detection, software license violation detection, and vulnerability …
including plagiarism detection, software license violation detection, and vulnerability …
Buggraph: Differentiating source-binary code similarity with graph triplet-loss network
Binary code similarity detection, which answers whether two pieces of binary code are
similar, has been used in a number of applications, such as vulnerability detection and …
similar, has been used in a number of applications, such as vulnerability detection and …