Quantum state manipulation and cooling of ultracold molecules
In recent years, an increasingly large variety of molecular species have been successfully
cooled to low energies, and innovative techniques continue to emerge to reach ever more …
cooled to low energies, and innovative techniques continue to emerge to reach ever more …
Laser-cooled molecules
The last few years have seen rapid progress in the application of laser cooling to molecules.
In this review, we examine what kinds of molecules can be laser cooled, how to design a …
In this review, we examine what kinds of molecules can be laser cooled, how to design a …
3D magneto-optical trap of yttrium monoxide
We report three-dimensional trap** of an oxide molecule (YO), using a radio-frequency
magneto-optical trap (MOT). The total number of molecules trapped is∼ 1.5× 10 4, with a …
magneto-optical trap (MOT). The total number of molecules trapped is∼ 1.5× 10 4, with a …
Laser cooling of molecules
MR Tarbutt - Contemporary Physics, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Recently, laser cooling methods have been extended from atoms to molecules. The complex
rotational and vibrational energy level structure of molecules makes laser cooling difficult …
rotational and vibrational energy level structure of molecules makes laser cooling difficult …
High accuracy theoretical investigations of CaF, SrF, and BaF and implications for laser-cooling
The NL-eEDM collaboration is building an experimental setup to search for the permanent
electric dipole moment of the electron in a slow beam of cold barium fluoride molecules [NL …
electric dipole moment of the electron in a slow beam of cold barium fluoride molecules [NL …
Strongly interacting ultracold polar molecules
This paper reviews recent advances in the study of strongly interacting systems of dipolar
molecules. Heteronuclear molecules feature large and tunable electric dipole moments …
molecules. Heteronuclear molecules feature large and tunable electric dipole moments …
Rotational state microwave mixing for laser cooling of complex diatomic molecules
We demonstrate the mixing of rotational states in the ground electronic state using
microwave radiation to enhance optical cycling in the molecule yttrium (II) monoxide (YO) …
microwave radiation to enhance optical cycling in the molecule yttrium (II) monoxide (YO) …
[HTML][HTML] Accurate prediction and measurement of vibronic branching ratios for laser cooling linear polyatomic molecules
We report a generally applicable computational and experimental approach to determine
vibronic branching ratios in linear polyatomic molecules to the 10− 5 level, including for …
vibronic branching ratios in linear polyatomic molecules to the 10− 5 level, including for …
ExoMol line lists–LIII: empirical rovibronic spectra of yttrium oxide
Empirical line lists BRYTS for the open shell molecule 89Y16O (yttrium oxide) and its
isotopologues are presented. The line lists cover the six lowest electronic states:,,,,, and up …
isotopologues are presented. The line lists cover the six lowest electronic states:,,,,, and up …
Intensity-borrowing mechanisms pertinent to laser cooling of linear polyatomic molecules
A study of the intensity-borrowing mechanisms important to optical cycling transitions in
laser-coolable polyatomic molecules arising from non-adiabatic coupling, contributions …
laser-coolable polyatomic molecules arising from non-adiabatic coupling, contributions …