Graph-based semi-supervised learning: A review
Y Chong, Y Ding, Q Yan, S Pan - Neurocomputing, 2020 - Elsevier
Considering the labeled samples may be difficult to obtain because they require human
annotators, special devices, or expensive and slow experiments. Semi-supervised learning …
annotators, special devices, or expensive and slow experiments. Semi-supervised learning …
Structured graph learning for scalable subspace clustering: From single view to multiview
Graph-based subspace clustering methods have exhibited promising performance.
However, they still suffer some of these drawbacks: they encounter the expensive time …
However, they still suffer some of these drawbacks: they encounter the expensive time …
Symmetric nonnegative matrix factorization: A systematic review
WS Chen, K **e, R Liu, B Pan - Neurocomputing, 2023 - Elsevier
In recent years, symmetric non-negative matrix factorization (SNMF), a variant of non-
negative matrix factorization (NMF), has emerged as a promising tool for data analysis. This …
negative matrix factorization (NMF), has emerged as a promising tool for data analysis. This …
Self-supervised convolutional subspace clustering network
Subspace clustering methods based on data self-expression have become very popular for
learning from data that lie in a union of low-dimensional linear subspaces. However, the …
learning from data that lie in a union of low-dimensional linear subspaces. However, the …
Simultaneous global and local graph structure preserving for multiple kernel clustering
Z Ren, Q Sun - IEEE transactions on neural networks and …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Multiple kernel learning (MKL) is generally recognized to perform better than single kernel
learning (SKL) in handling nonlinear clustering problem, largely thanks to MKL avoids …
learning (SKL) in handling nonlinear clustering problem, largely thanks to MKL avoids …
Deep clustering with sample-assignment invariance prior
Most popular clustering methods map raw image data into a projection space in which the
clustering assignment is obtained with the vanilla k-means approach. In this article, we …
clustering assignment is obtained with the vanilla k-means approach. In this article, we …
Dual shared-specific multiview subspace clustering
Multiview subspace clustering has received significant attention as the availability of diverse
of multidomain and multiview real-world data has rapidly increased in the recent years …
of multidomain and multiview real-world data has rapidly increased in the recent years …
Self-supervised semi-supervised nonnegative matrix factorization for data clustering
Semi-supervised nonnegative matrix factorization exploits the strengths of matrix
factorization in successfully learning part-based representation and is also able to achieve …
factorization in successfully learning part-based representation and is also able to achieve …
Deep subspace clustering
In this article, we propose a deep extension of sparse subspace clustering, termed deep
subspace clustering with L1-norm (DSC-L1). Regularized by the unit sphere distribution …
subspace clustering with L1-norm (DSC-L1). Regularized by the unit sphere distribution …
Adaptive weighted dictionary representation using anchor graph for subspace clustering
Samples are commonly represented as sparse vectors in many dictionary representation
algorithms. However, this method may result in loss of discriminatory information. Moreover …
algorithms. However, this method may result in loss of discriminatory information. Moreover …