[HTML][HTML] Centrifuge modelling of landslides and landslide hazard mitigation: A review
Landslides are serious geohazards that occur under a variety of climatic conditions and can
cause many casualties and significant economic losses. Centrifuge modelling, as a …
cause many casualties and significant economic losses. Centrifuge modelling, as a …
Optimal intensity measures for probabilistic seismic demand modeling of extended pile-shaft-supported bridges in liquefied and laterally spreading ground
Seismic intensity measures (IMs) perform a pivotal role in probabilistic seismic demand
modeling. Many studies investigated appropriate IMs for structures without considering soil …
modeling. Many studies investigated appropriate IMs for structures without considering soil …
Mechanisms of seismically induced settlement of buildings with shallow foundations on liquefiable soil
Seismically induced settlement of buildings with shallow foundations on liquefiable soils has
resulted in significant damage in recent earthquakes. Engineers still largely estimate seismic …
resulted in significant damage in recent earthquakes. Engineers still largely estimate seismic …
A holistic framework for seismic analysis of extended pile-shaft-supported bridges against different extents of liquefaction and lateral spreading
X Wang, F Luo, A Ye - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a holistic framework for seismic analysis of extended pile-shaft-
supported bridges experiencing different extents of liquefaction and lateral spreading. To …
supported bridges experiencing different extents of liquefaction and lateral spreading. To …
Behavior of pile foundations in laterally spreading ground during centrifuge tests
Eight dynamic model tests were performed on a 9 m radius centrifuge to study the behavior
of single piles and pile groups in liquefiable and laterally spreading ground. Pile diameters …
of single piles and pile groups in liquefiable and laterally spreading ground. Pile diameters …
Liquefaction-induced building movements
Liquefaction or cyclic softening from earthquake shaking have caused significant damage of
buildings with shallow foundations. In recent earthquakes, buildings have punched into …
buildings with shallow foundations. In recent earthquakes, buildings have punched into …
Seismic response prediction and variable importance analysis of extended pile-shaft-supported bridges against lateral spreading: Exploring optimized machine …
Reliable prediction of seismic responses of bridges against lateral spreading is critical for
fragility and resilience assessment of transportation infrastructure. This problem, however …
fragility and resilience assessment of transportation infrastructure. This problem, however …
[HTML][HTML] Liquefaction proneness of stratified sand-silt layers based on cyclic triaxial tests
Most studies on liquefaction have addressed homogeneous soil strata using sand or sand
with fine content without considering soil stratification. In this study, cyclic triaxial tests were …
with fine content without considering soil stratification. In this study, cyclic triaxial tests were …
Seismic response of offshore wind turbine with hybrid monopile foundation based on centrifuge modelling
Some large capacity offshore wind turbines are constructed in seismically active areas. The
occurrence of soil liquefaction during an earthquake can result in severe failures of the …
occurrence of soil liquefaction during an earthquake can result in severe failures of the …
Experimental and numerical modeling on the liquefaction potential and ground settlement of silt-interlayered stratified sands
N Ecemis - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2021 - Elsevier
Recent seismic events indicate that the simplified liquefaction-evaluation procedures are
incapable of depicting general trends in liquefaction damage for stratified sands interlayered …
incapable of depicting general trends in liquefaction damage for stratified sands interlayered …