Mathematics in engineering education: A review of the recent literature with a view towards innovative practices
The aim of the special issue is to bring together important current international research on
innovative teaching and learning practices in mathematics in engineering education, and to …
innovative teaching and learning practices in mathematics in engineering education, and to …
Measurement in STEM education research: A systematic literature review of trends in the psychometric evidence of scales
Background The objective of this systematic review is to identify characteristics, trends, and
gaps in measurement in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) …
gaps in measurement in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) …
Engineering stress culture: Relationships among mental health, engineering identity, and sense of inclusion
Background Stress is commonly experienced by college students, especially engineering
students. However, the role of stress within engineering culture and its implications for …
students. However, the role of stress within engineering culture and its implications for …
Learning from small numbers: Studying ruling relations that gender and race the structure of US engineering education
AL Pawley - Journal of Engineering Education, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Background Women and men of color and White women participate in American
engineering education in lower proportions than they represent in the general US …
engineering education in lower proportions than they represent in the general US …
Motivation in transition: Development and roles of expectancy, task values, and costs in early college engineering.
This longitudinal study investigated development in expectancy for success (perceived
competence), 3 types of task value (utility, interest, attainment), and 3 types of perceived cost …
competence), 3 types of task value (utility, interest, attainment), and 3 types of perceived cost …
Integrating AIGC into product design ideation teaching: An empirical study on self-efficacy and learning outcomes
KL Huang, YC Liu, MQ Dong, CC Lu - Learning and Instruction, 2024 - Elsevier
Background The emergence of artificial intelligence-generated content (AIGC) in the realm
of education, notably in product design, signifies a watershed moment, heralding significant …
of education, notably in product design, signifies a watershed moment, heralding significant …
“It's dude culture”: Students with minoritized identities of sexuality and/or gender navigating STEM majors.
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) career pathways can be both
lucrative and transformative in regard to social change (eg, Christensen, Knezek, & Tyler …
lucrative and transformative in regard to social change (eg, Christensen, Knezek, & Tyler …
Online aviation learning experience during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Hong Kong and Mainland China
DTK Ng - British journal of educational technology, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The COVID‐19 pandemic has triggered an unexpected digital revolution, speeding up
universities' digital transformation worldwide. It has brought heavy disruptions to travel and …
universities' digital transformation worldwide. It has brought heavy disruptions to travel and …
Using the social cognitive theory framework to chart gender differences in the developmental trajectory of STEM self-efficacy in science and engineering students
According to Bandura's social cognitive theory, a student's self-efficacy influences his or her
academic and career decisions, and his or her performance outcomes; as such, a student's …
academic and career decisions, and his or her performance outcomes; as such, a student's …
Investigation of virtual & augmented reality classroom learning environments in university STEM education
This study investigates the use of virtual and augmented reality (VAR) in higher education
on students' self-efficacy in science and engineering, and academic performance. An …
on students' self-efficacy in science and engineering, and academic performance. An …