Birational maps from polarization and the preservation of measure and integrals

RI McLachlan, DI McLaren, GRW Quispel - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023 -
The main result of this paper is the discretization of Hamiltonian systems of the form $\ddot
x=-K\nabla W (x) $, where $ K $ is a constant symmetric matrix and $ W\colon\mathbb {R} …

Geometry of the Kahan discretizations of planar quadratic Hamiltonian systems

M Petrera, J Smirin, YB Suris - Proceedings of the …, 2019 -
Kahan discretization is applicable to any quadratic vector field and produces a birational
map which approximates the shift along the phase flow. For a planar quadratic canonical …

Detecting and determining preserved measures and integrals of birational maps

E Celledoni, C Evripidou, D McLaren, B Owren… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2019 -
In this paper we use the method of discrete Darboux polynomials to calculate preserved
measures and integrals of rational maps. The approach is based on the use of cofactors and …

Manin involutions for elliptic pencils and discrete integrable systems

M Petrera, YB Suris, K Wei, R Zander - Mathematical Physics, Analysis and …, 2021 - Springer
We contribute to the algebraic-geometric study of discrete integrable systems generated by
planar birational maps:(a) we find geometric description of Manin involutions for elliptic …

Geometry of the Kahan discretizations of planar quadratic Hamiltonian systems. II. Systems with a linear Poisson tensor

M Petrera, YB Suris - arxiv preprint arxiv:1811.05791, 2018 -
Kahan discretization is applicable to any quadratic vector field and produces a birational
map which approximates the shift along the phase flow. For a planar quadratic Hamiltonian …

Generalised Manin transformations and QRT maps

PH van der Kamp, DI McLaren… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2018 -
Manin transformations are maps of the plane that preserve a pencil of cubic curves. They are
the composition of two involutions. Each involution is constructed in terms of an involution …

How one can repair non-integrable Kahan discretizations

M Petrera, YB Suris, R Zander - Journal of Physics A …, 2020 -
How one can repair non-integrable Kahan discretizations - IOPscience Skip to content IOP
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On the singularity structure of Kahan discretizations of a class of quadratic vector fields

R Zander - European Journal of Mathematics, 2021 - Springer
On the singularity structure of Kahan discretizations of a class of quadratic vector fields |
European Journal of Mathematics Skip to main content Springer Nature Link Account Menu …

Lax pairs for the discrete reduced Nahm systems

G Gubbiotti - Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, 2021 - Springer
We discretise the Lax pair for the reduced Nahm systems and prove its equivalence with the
Kahan–Hirota–Kimura discretisation procedure. We show that these Lax pairs guarantee the …

How one can repair non-integrable Kahan discretizations. II. A planar system with invariant curves of degree 6

M Schmalian, YB Suris, Y Tumarkin - Mathematical Physics, Analysis and …, 2021 - Springer
We find a novel one-parameter family of integrable quadratic Cremona maps of the plane
preserving a pencil of curves of degree 6 and of genus 1. They turn out to serve as Kahan …