[PDF][PDF] On-Premise Internet of Things (IoT) Data Storage: Comparison of Database Management Systems.

A Wolters, M Blazevic, DM Riehle - IoTBDS, 2023 - scitepress.org
The Internet of Things (IoT) connects millions of devices, leading to the production of vast
amounts of data. For such data to be of value, efficient and effective data storage is of utmost …

AFC: An adaptive lossless floating-point compression algorithm in time series database

H Chen, L Liu, J Meng, W Lu - Information Sciences, 2024 - Elsevier
The time series database is a specialized type of database specifically designed for storing
and analyzing time series data. Compression of time series data is crucial for its …

Multiple time series database on microservice architecture for IoT-based sleep monitoring system

E Simanjuntak, N Surantha - Journal of Big Data, 2022 - Springer
Monitoring health status requires collecting a large amount of data from the human body.
The sensor can be used to collect data from the human body. The sensor transmits data for …

The use of time series database in measurements

S Kirešová, M Guzan, B Sobota, V Fedák… - … on Electrical Drives …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper explores the use of InfluxDB for data analysis, storage, and visualization in
measurement science. It focuses on the role of WiFi technology in real-time monitoring and …

Experimenting with means to store and monitor IoT based measurement results for energy saving

M Saari, J Grönman, J Soini… - 2020 43rd …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Nowadays, energy consumption and especially energy saving are important issues. The
news of global warming has increased the need to save energy in many areas of our living …

The Requirements and Challenges of Visualizing Building Data

M Nurminen, A Lindstedt, M Saari… - 2021 44th …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Nowadays, energy consumption and especially energy saving are important issues. The
news of global warming have increased the need to save energy in many areas of our living …

Integration des Digitalen Zwillings in das Wertstrommanagement

NU Frick - 2024 - tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de
Ergebnisse diverser Studien legen nahe, dass das Wertschöpfungspotenzial der deutschen
Industrie im Kontext der Industrie 4.0 bislang unzureichend genutzt wird. Insbesondere im …

Evaluation of time-series database on microservice architecture for health monitoring system

E Simanjuntak, N Surantha… - … Symposium on Electronics …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Recently, the research on daily health monitoring using a wearable sensor has been
continually evolving. In the future, when this system is actually implemented, a vast amount …

Avaliando a Performance de SGBDs na Inserção e Consulta de Dados de Séries Temporais

MC de Lima, D Lichtnow - Escola Regional de Banco de Dados …, 2024 - sol.sbc.org.br
O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a performance de SGBDs na inserção e consulta de
dados de séries temporais procurando identificar quando Bancos de Dados de Séries …

Sensorsystem för farliga luftburna ämnen inom räddningstjänst

A Evansson, M Gustafsson, M Hennings, A Johansson… - 2021 - diva-portal.org
Denna rapport beskriver ett kandidatarbete som utfördes av åtta studenter i kursen TDDD96-
Kandidatprojekt i programvaruutveckling vid Linkö**s universitet våren 2021. Projektet …