Antiperovskite electrolytes for solid-state batteries
Solid-state batteries have fascinated the research community over the past decade, largely
due to their improved safety properties and potential for high-energy density. Searching for …
due to their improved safety properties and potential for high-energy density. Searching for …
Chemistry under high pressure
Thanks to the development of experimental high-pressure techniques and methods for
crystal-structure prediction based on quantum mechanics, in the past decade, numerous …
crystal-structure prediction based on quantum mechanics, in the past decade, numerous …
Exploring the optoelectronic attributes, thermoelectric and photocatalytic potential of double perovskites Cs2BB'H6 (B= Al, Na and B'= Tl, In): A DFT study
Abstract Double perovskites Cs 2 BB'H 6 (B= Al, Na and B'= Tl, In) have been scrutinized by
employing density functional theory to calculate their electronic structures, thermodynamic …
employing density functional theory to calculate their electronic structures, thermodynamic …
Advancements in the search for superhard ultra‐incompressible metal borides
Dense transition metal borides have recently been identified as superhard materials that
offer the possibility of ambient pressure synthesis compared to the conventional high …
offer the possibility of ambient pressure synthesis compared to the conventional high …
Aluminium at terapascal pressures
CJ Pickard, RJ Needs - Nature materials, 2010 - nature.com
Studying materials at terapascal (TPa) pressures will provide insights into the deep interiors
of large planets and chemistry under extreme conditions,. The equation of state of aluminium …
of large planets and chemistry under extreme conditions,. The equation of state of aluminium …
Influence of high pressure on mechanical and electronic properties of C3060 allotropes—a first-principles investigation
The influence of external uniaxial pressure, ranging from 0 GPa to 50 GPa, on (3, 0)(6, 0)
carbon (C3060), is examined through first-principles calculation. The mechanical …
carbon (C3060), is examined through first-principles calculation. The mechanical …
Mechanical and electronic properties of diborides of transition 3d–5d metals from first principles: Toward search of novel ultra-incompressible and superhard materials
AL Ivanovskii - Progress in Materials Science, 2012 - Elsevier
The appreciable progress has been achieved currently in the development of design
principles, synthesis, investigations and predictions of various groups of ultra …
principles, synthesis, investigations and predictions of various groups of ultra …
Ab initio DFT determination of structural, mechanical, optoelectronic, thermoelectric and thermodynamic properties of RbGeI3 inorganic perovskite for different …
KD Jayan, V Sebastian - Materials Today Communications, 2021 - Elsevier
As a potential counterpart to the toxic CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 for photovoltaic applications, a lead-
free non-toxic perovskite, rubidium germanium iodide (RbGeI 3) is analyzed to assess its …
free non-toxic perovskite, rubidium germanium iodide (RbGeI 3) is analyzed to assess its …
Pressure-induced amorphization and polyamorphism: Inorganic and biochemical systems
Pressure-induced amorphization (PIA) is a phenomenon that involves an abrupt transition
between a crystalline material and an amorphous solid through application of pressure at …
between a crystalline material and an amorphous solid through application of pressure at …
Pressure‐Dependent “Insulator–Metal–Insulator” Behavior in Sr‐Doped La3Ni2O7
Recently, superconductivity at high temperatures is observed in bulk La3Ni2O7− δ under
high pressure. However, the attainment of high‐purity La3Ni2O7− δ single crystals remains …
high pressure. However, the attainment of high‐purity La3Ni2O7− δ single crystals remains …