[PDF][PDF] Identification of rainfall patterns on hydrological simulation using robust principal component analysis
A robust dimension reduction method in Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to
rectify the issue of unbalanced clusters in rainfall patterns due to the skewed nature of …
rectify the issue of unbalanced clusters in rainfall patterns due to the skewed nature of …
[HTML][HTML] Sugarcane bagasse adsorption evaluation and application on BOD and COD removal from textile wastewater treatment
Pesticides are widely used in homes, industries and agricultural sector, and can travel
through water and the air to pollute places far from their point source. Pesticides can find …
through water and the air to pollute places far from their point source. Pesticides can find …
[PDF][PDF] Improving support vector machine rainfall classification accuracy based on Kernel parameters optimization for statistical downscaling approach
This study proposed a statistical downscaling model to find the best accuracy model of daily
rainfall data in east-coast Peninsular Malaysia. Statistical downscaling is an approach to …
rainfall data in east-coast Peninsular Malaysia. Statistical downscaling is an approach to …
Review on Malaysian Goniothalamus essential oils and their comparative study using multivariate statistical analysis
The genus Goniothalamus is belonging to the Annonaceae family, consists of ca. 2500
species and found in tropical Southeast Asia. The Goniothalamus essential oils were …
species and found in tropical Southeast Asia. The Goniothalamus essential oils were …
[PDF][PDF] A modified correlation in principal component analysis for torrential rainfall patterns identification
This paper presents a modified correlation in principal component analysis (PCA) for
selection number of clusters in identifying rainfall patterns. The approach of a clustering as …
selection number of clusters in identifying rainfall patterns. The approach of a clustering as …
Classification of daily torrential rainfall patterns based on a robust correlation measure
SM Shaharudin - 2020 - ir.upsi.edu.my
The objective of this study is to identify the main spatial distribution patterns associated with
torrential rainfall days that linked to the topography of Peninsular Malaysia. This is done by …
torrential rainfall days that linked to the topography of Peninsular Malaysia. This is done by …
Classifying Students' Academic Performance Using Principal Component Analysis During Pandemic COVID-19
As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak in Malaysia, educational institutions, including
universities, were forced to conduct all academic activities online. If online learning …
universities, were forced to conduct all academic activities online. If online learning …
[PDF][PDF] Multivariate statistical analysis of the essential oils of five Beilschmiedia species from Peninsular Malaysia.
Identification of the chemical composition of essential oils is very important for ensuring the
quality of finished herbal products. The objective of the study was to analyze the chemical …
quality of finished herbal products. The objective of the study was to analyze the chemical …
[PDF][PDF] Classification of Daily Torrential Rainfall Patterns Based on a Robust Correlation Measure
PS Idris - 2019 - researchgate.net
The objective of this study is to identify the main spatial distribution patterns associated with
torrential rainfall days that linked to the topography of Peninsular Malaysia. This is done by …
torrential rainfall days that linked to the topography of Peninsular Malaysia. This is done by …
[PDF][PDF] An Improved Hierarchal Clustering Algorithm using Feature Reduction Techniques and Clustering Validation Indices
N Soni, A Choubey - academia.edu
Number of variables or attributes of any data set effect to a large extent clustering of that
particular data. These attributes directly affect the dissimilarity or distance measures thereby …
particular data. These attributes directly affect the dissimilarity or distance measures thereby …