Medium-voltage multilevel converters—State of the art, challenges, and requirements in industrial applications
This paper gives an overview of medium-voltage (MV) multilevel converters with a focus on
achieving minimum harmonic distortion and high efficiency at low switching frequency …
achieving minimum harmonic distortion and high efficiency at low switching frequency …
Fast dynamic control of medium voltage drives operating at very low switching frequency—An overview
Medium voltage AC machines fed by high-power inverters operate at a low switching
frequency to restrain the switching losses of power semiconductor devices. Particular care is …
frequency to restrain the switching losses of power semiconductor devices. Particular care is …
[ספר][B] Permanent magnet synchronous and brushless DC motor drives
R Krishnan - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Despite two decades of massive strides in research and development on control strategies
and their subsequent implementation, most books on permanent magnet motor drives still …
and their subsequent implementation, most books on permanent magnet motor drives still …
Review of dynamic and transient modeling of power electronic converters for converter dominated power systems
In response to national and international carbon reduction goals, renewable energy
resources like photovoltaics (PV) and wind, and energy storage technologies like fuel-cells …
resources like photovoltaics (PV) and wind, and energy storage technologies like fuel-cells …
Space vector based hybrid PWM techniques for reduced current ripple
This paper investigates certain novel switching sequences involving division of active vector
time for space vector based pulsewidth modulation (PWM) generation for a voltage source …
time for space vector based pulsewidth modulation (PWM) generation for a voltage source …
Multilevel multiphase space vector PWM algorithm
In the last few years, interest in multiphase converter technology has increased due to the
benefits of using more than three phases in drive applications. Besides, multilevel converter …
benefits of using more than three phases in drive applications. Besides, multilevel converter …
Operation modes and characteristics of the Z-source inverter with small inductance or low power factor
The Z-source inverter, utilizing a unique LC network and previously forbidden shoot-through
states, provides unique features, such as the ability to buck and boost voltage with a simple …
states, provides unique features, such as the ability to buck and boost voltage with a simple …
DC-link harmonics of three-phase voltage-source converters influenced by the pulsewidth-modulation strategy—An analysis
DC-link current harmonics are the predominant factor to be considered for dimensioning dc
capacitors in three-phase pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) voltage-source converters. In this …
capacitors in three-phase pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) voltage-source converters. In this …
Shunt compensation
This article has surveyed some of the most important techniques used to generate the
reference current for the shunt-type APF (active power filter). The GA-based approach is …
reference current for the shunt-type APF (active power filter). The GA-based approach is …
Hysteresis modulation of multilevel inverters
The hysteresis modulation for power electronic converters is attractive in many different
applications because of its unmatched dynamic response and wide command-tracking …
applications because of its unmatched dynamic response and wide command-tracking …