Gate-tunable Josephson diode
Superconducting diodes are recently-discovered quantum analogues of classical diodes.
The superconducting diode effect relies on the breaking of both time-reversal and inversion …
The superconducting diode effect relies on the breaking of both time-reversal and inversion …
Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in real metals
Theoretical descriptions of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states induced by magnetic impurities
inside the gap of a superconductor typically rely on a classical spin model or are restricted to …
inside the gap of a superconductor typically rely on a classical spin model or are restricted to …
Opportunities for the direct manipulation of a phase-driven Andreev spin qubit
In a Josephson junction, the transfer of Cooper pairs from one superconductor to the other
one can be associated with the formation of Andreev bound states. In a Josephson junction …
one can be associated with the formation of Andreev bound states. In a Josephson junction …
Supercurrent reversal in ferromagnetic hybrid nanowire Josephson junctions
We report supercurrent transport measurements in hybrid Josephson junctions comprising
semiconducting InAs nanowires with epitaxial ferromagnetic insulator EuS and …
semiconducting InAs nanowires with epitaxial ferromagnetic insulator EuS and …
Josephson Junction Transition Induced by Orbital Hybridization in a Double Quantum Dot
In this Letter, we manipulate the phase shift of a Josephson junction using a parallel double
quantum dot (QD). By employing a superconducting quantum interference device, we …
quantum dot (QD). By employing a superconducting quantum interference device, we …
Anomalous Josephson current through a driven double quantum dot
Josephson junctions based on quantum dots offer a convenient tunability by means of local
gates. Here we analyze a Josephson junction based on a serial double quantum dot in …
gates. Here we analyze a Josephson junction based on a serial double quantum dot in …
Hallmarks of Majorana mode leaking into a hybrid double quantum dot
We investigate the spectral and transport properties of a double quantum dot laterally
attached to a topological superconducting nanowire, hosting the Majorana zero-energy …
attached to a topological superconducting nanowire, hosting the Majorana zero-energy …
Josephson current via spin and orbital states of a tunable double quantum dot
Supercurrent transport is experimentally studied in a Josephson junction hosting a double
quantum dot (DQD) with tunable symmetries. The QDs are parallel coupled to two …
quantum dot (DQD) with tunable symmetries. The QDs are parallel coupled to two …
Fermion-parity qubit in a proximitized double quantum dot
Bound states in quantum dots coupled to superconductors can be in a coherent
superposition of states with different electron number but with the same fermion parity …
superposition of states with different electron number but with the same fermion parity …
Fully analytical equation of motion approach for the double quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime
A fully analytical approach based on the equation of motion technique to investigate the
spectral properties and orbital occupations in an interacting double quantum dot in …
spectral properties and orbital occupations in an interacting double quantum dot in …