Understanding the impact of perceived visual aesthetics on user evaluations: An emotional perspective

U Bhandari, K Chang, T Neben - Information & management, 2019 - Elsevier
Studies aimed at predicting user judgments have been dominated by the usability and
efficiency perspective. An important assumption of this perspective is that higher order …

Website appeal: development of an assessment tool and evaluation framework of e-marketing

S Abdallah, B Jaleel - Journal of theoretical and applied electronic …, 2015 - SciELO Chile
The aim of this study is twofold; firstly, to develop a comprehensive measure that
quantitatively assesses an e-store's web appeal, and secondly, to propose a framework that …

The engagement of website initial aesthetic impressions: an experimental investigation

S Pengnate, R Sarathy, JK Lee - International Journal of Human …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
This study investigates how website design features, web page order and visual complexity,
influence users' initial website aesthetic impressions and how such impressions …

Towards an evaluation of graphical user interfaces aesthetics based on metrics

M Zen, J Vanderdonckt - 2014 IEEE Eighth International …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The graphical user interface (GUI) of an interactive system is nowadays the most frequently
used interaction modality. While the contents are of high importance, the Look and Feel is an …

Aesthetic appeal and visual usability in four icon design eras

JM Silvennoinen, JPP Jokinen - … of the 2016 CHI conference on human …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
Technological artefacts express time periods in their visual design. Due time, visual culture
changes and thus affects the design of pictorial representations in technological products …

Assessing user interface aesthetics based on the inter-subjectivity of judgment

M Zen, J Vanderdonckt - … of the 30th International BCS Human …, 2016 - scienceopen.com
" How to assess user interface aesthetics?" remains a question faced by many user interface
researchers and designers during the user interface development life cycle since aesthetics …

Statistically controlling for processing fluency reduces the aesthetic-usability effect

J Preßler, L Schmid, J Hurtienne - Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
The aesthetic-usability effect asserts that user interfaces that appear aesthetic also appear
easier to use. Most explanations for the effect see aesthetics in a causal role. In contrast, we …

A quality model-based approach for measuring user interface aesthetics with grace

M Zen, N Burny, J Vanderdonckt - Proceedings of the ACM on Human …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
User interface aesthetics, a particular sub-characteristic of the ISO 25010 software quality
model, is correlated to the perceived or actual usability of a graphical user interface, its user …

User's web page aesthetics opinion: a matter of low-level image descriptors based on MPEG-7

S Uribe, F Álvarez, JM Menéndez - ACM Transactions on the Web …, 2017 - dl.acm.org
Analyzing a user's first impression of a Web site is essential for interface designers, as it is
tightly related to their overall opinion of a site. In fact, this early evaluation affects user …

The effects of parallax scrolling on user experience and preference in web design

D Frederick - 2013 - search.proquest.com
Parallax scrolling is becoming an increasingly popular strategy in web design. In addition to
its ability to engage users with a website, advocates of the technique argue that it also …