The prominence of tense, aspect and mood
DNS Bhat - 1999 - torrossa.com
This is a revised and enlarged version of a report that I submitted to the University Grants
Commission, New Delhi, in 1994. The report, entitled Tense, Aspect and Mood in Indian …
Commission, New Delhi, in 1994. The report, entitled Tense, Aspect and Mood in Indian …
[PDF][PDF] A tale of two morphologies: Verb structure and argument alternations in Maltese
M Spagnol - 2011 - kops.uni-konstanz.de
This work is an investigation on the morphology and lexical semantics of verbs in Mal-‐tese,
a language which typologically stands between Semitic and Romance languages, as it is …
a language which typologically stands between Semitic and Romance languages, as it is …
A computational grammar and lexicon for Maltese
JJ Camilleri - 2013 - odr.chalmers.se
Maltese is the national language of Malta and an official language of the European Union.
While classified as Semitic, Maltese has been heavily influenced by the Romance …
While classified as Semitic, Maltese has been heavily influenced by the Romance …
Posture verbs and aspect: A view from vernacular Arabic
This paper discusses a construction found in contemporary Arabic ver-naculars (but not in
Modern Standard Arabic (henceforth MSA)) which con-stitutes an instance of a common …
Modern Standard Arabic (henceforth MSA)) which con-stitutes an instance of a common …
The grammaticalisation of a copula in vernacular Arabic
It is standardly assumed that Arabic copula constructions with present tense interpretation
involve either a 'null'copula or a 'pronominal'copula. This paper provides evidence that some …
involve either a 'null'copula or a 'pronominal'copula. This paper provides evidence that some …
Linguistic introduction: The orthography, morphology and syntax of Semitic languages
We present in this chapter some basic linguistic facts about Semitic languages, covering
orthography, morphology, and syntax. We focus on Arabic (both standard and dialectal) …
orthography, morphology, and syntax. We focus on Arabic (both standard and dialectal) …
Temporal and aspectual auxiliaries in Maltese
M Camilleri - 2016 - repository.essex.ac.uk
This study aims to better understand the realisation of grammatical tense and aspect in
Maltese. We first consider the different temporal and aspectual interpretations related with …
Maltese. We first consider the different temporal and aspectual interpretations related with …
" Pseudo-verbs": An analysis of non-verbal (co-) predication in Maltese
J Peterson - Introducing Maltese Linguistics: Selected papers from …, 2009 - degruyter.com
Universität Osnabrück is study deals with the so-called pseudo-verbs of Maltese, a small,
closed part-of-speech category specialized for (co-) predication but whose members are not …
closed part-of-speech category specialized for (co-) predication but whose members are not …
Maltese English
M Krug - Further studies in the lesser-known varieties of English, 2015 - books.google.com
Due to migration, at least 100,000 speakers of English with a Maltese background (including
approximately 50,000 speakers of Maltese, a language historically derived from Arabic; see …
approximately 50,000 speakers of Maltese, a language historically derived from Arabic; see …
Free relatives in Maltese
This paper makes a contribution to our understanding of free relative clauses (frc s) in
Maltese, in particular so-called plain, standard or non-ever free relative clauses. We …
Maltese, in particular so-called plain, standard or non-ever free relative clauses. We …