The malevolent side of human nature: A meta-analysis and critical review of the literature on the dark triad (narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy)
The term dark triad refers to the constellation of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and
psychopathy. Over the past few years, the concept has gained momentum, with many …
psychopathy. Over the past few years, the concept has gained momentum, with many …
Bad machines corrupt good morals
As machines powered by artificial intelligence (AI) influence humans' behaviour in ways that
are both like and unlike the ways humans influence each other, worry emerges about the …
are both like and unlike the ways humans influence each other, worry emerges about the …
Achievement motivation and academic dishonesty: A meta-analytic investigation
Academic dishonesty is a rampant and troubling phenomenon in the educational sector.
Although demographic factors have been linked with students' academic dishonesty in the …
Although demographic factors have been linked with students' academic dishonesty in the …
The effects of ethical leadership, voice behavior and climates for innovation on creativity: A moderated mediation examination
ASY Chen, YH Hou - The leadership quarterly, 2016 - Elsevier
The study of ethical leadership has emerged as an important topic in relation to
understanding the effects of leadership within organizations. We propose that the voice …
understanding the effects of leadership within organizations. We propose that the voice …
Ethical decision-making theory: An integrated approach
MS Schwartz - Journal of Business Ethics, 2016 - Springer
Ethical decision-making (EDM) descriptive theoretical models often conflict with each other
and typically lack comprehensiveness. To address this deficiency, a revised EDM model is …
and typically lack comprehensiveness. To address this deficiency, a revised EDM model is …
Business culture and dishonesty in the banking industry
Trust in others' honesty is a key component of the long-term performance of firms, industries,
and even whole countries,,,. However, in recent years, numerous scandals involving fraud …
and even whole countries,,,. However, in recent years, numerous scandals involving fraud …
From information security to cyber security
The term cyber security is often used interchangeably with the term information security. This
paper argues that, although there is a substantial overlap between cyber security and …
paper argues that, although there is a substantial overlap between cyber security and …
Self-serving justifications: Doing wrong and feeling moral
Unethical behavior by “ordinary” people poses significant societal and personal challenges.
We present a novel framework centered on the role of self-serving justification to build upon …
We present a novel framework centered on the role of self-serving justification to build upon …
Role of blockchain-enabled smart contracts in automating construction progress payments
The construction industry has long been plagued with late and nonpayments. Despite the
desired benefits of payment automation and today's increased access to digitized progress …
desired benefits of payment automation and today's increased access to digitized progress …
Lying takes time: A meta-analysis on reaction time measures of deception.
Lie detection techniques are frequently used, but most of them have been criticized for the
lack of empirical support for their predictive validity and presumed underlying mechanisms …
lack of empirical support for their predictive validity and presumed underlying mechanisms …