Memory recurrent Elman neural network-based identification of time-delayed nonlinear dynamical system
In this article, an attempt has been made to propose an improved version of the classical
Elman neural network (ENN) and its application is presented to identify the unknown …
Elman neural network (ENN) and its application is presented to identify the unknown …
Enhanced Elman spike Neural network optimized with flamingo search optimization algorithm espoused lung cancer classification from CT images
At present, researchers have been try to enhance the CAD system performance utilizing
deep learning techniques in lung cancer screening and computed tomography (CT), but …
deep learning techniques in lung cancer screening and computed tomography (CT), but …
Fault-tolerant attitude tracking control driven by spiking nns for unmanned aerial vehicles
In this article, we proposed a novel fault-tolerant control scheme for quadrotor unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs) based on spiking neural networks (SNNs), which leverages the …
aerial vehicles (UAVs) based on spiking neural networks (SNNs), which leverages the …
Automated threat detection using flamingo search algorithm with optimal deep learning on cyber-physical system environment
Threat detection in a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) platform is a key feature of ensuring the
reliability and security of these connected methods, but digital elements interface with the …
reliability and security of these connected methods, but digital elements interface with the …
Enhanced Elman spike neural network based intrusion attack detection in software defined Internet of Things network
In this article, enhanced Elman spike neural network based intrusion attack detection in
software defined IoT network is proposed. Initially, the data's are taken from CICDDoS 2019 …
software defined IoT network is proposed. Initially, the data's are taken from CICDDoS 2019 …
Enhanced Elman spike neural network for cluster head based energy aware routing in WSN
An enhanced Elman spike neural network (EESNN) optimized with hybrid wild horse
optimization and chameleon swarm algorithm is proposed in this manuscript for multi …
optimization and chameleon swarm algorithm is proposed in this manuscript for multi …
Enhanced Elman spike neural network based fractional order discrete Tchebyshev encryption fostered big data analytical method for enhancing cloud data security
Cloud computing refers to a set of hardware and software that are connected to provide
various computing services. Cloud consists of services to deliver software, infrastructure and …
various computing services. Cloud consists of services to deliver software, infrastructure and …
Intelligent traffic management and load balance based on spike ISDN-IoT
An intelligent software defined network (ISDN) based on an intelligent controller can
manage and control the network in a remarkable way. In this article, a methodology is …
manage and control the network in a remarkable way. In this article, a methodology is …
Enhanced Elman spike neural network fostered blockchain framework espoused intrusion detection for securing Internet of Things network
In general, due to the complexity and limited computation capabilities, the security issues
occur in Internet of Things (IoT). Security protocols are required to increase the security of …
occur in Internet of Things (IoT). Security protocols are required to increase the security of …
Moderately multispike return neural network for SDN accurate traffic awareness in effective 5G network slicing
Due to the huge variety of 5G services, Network slicing is promising mechanism for dividing
the physical network resources in to multiple logical network slices according to the …
the physical network resources in to multiple logical network slices according to the …