Limits of static analysis for malware detection
Malicious code is an increasingly important problem that threatens the security of computer
systems. The traditional line of defense against malware is composed of malware detectors …
systems. The traditional line of defense against malware is composed of malware detectors …
Adaptive influence maximization in dynamic social networks
For the purpose of propagating information and ideas through a social network, a seeding
strategy aims to find a small set of seed users that are able to maximize the spread of the …
strategy aims to find a small set of seed users that are able to maximize the spread of the …
Ranking nodes in complex networks based on local structure and improving closeness centrality
In complex networks, the nodes with most spreading ability are called influential nodes. In
many applications such as viral marketing, identification of most influential nodes and …
many applications such as viral marketing, identification of most influential nodes and …
Identification of multi-spreader users in social networks for viral marketing
A Sheikhahmadi… - Journal of Information …, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
Identifying high spreading power nodes is an interesting problem in social networks. Finding
super spreader nodes becomes an arduous task when the nodes appear in large numbers …
super spreader nodes becomes an arduous task when the nodes appear in large numbers …
Profit maximization for viral marketing in online social networks: Algorithms and analysis
Information can be disseminated widely and rapidly through Online Social Networks (OSNs)
with “word-of-mouth” effects. Viral marketing is such a typical application in which new …
with “word-of-mouth” effects. Viral marketing is such a typical application in which new …
A multi-objective linear threshold influence spread model solved by swarm intelligence-based methods
The influence maximization problem (IMP) is one of the most important topics in social
network analysis. It consists of finding the smallest seed of users that maximizes the …
network analysis. It consists of finding the smallest seed of users that maximizes the …
Dynamic epistemic logics of diffusion and prediction in social networks
We take a logical approach to threshold models, used to study the diffusion of opinions, new
technologies, infections, or behaviors in social networks. Threshold models consist of a …
technologies, infections, or behaviors in social networks. Threshold models consist of a …
Continuous influence maximization: What discounts should we offer to social network users?
Imagine we are introducing a new product through a social network, where we know for
each user in the network the purchase probability curve with respect to discount. Then, what …
each user in the network the purchase probability curve with respect to discount. Then, what …
Distributed rumor blocking with multiple positive cascades
Misinformation and rumor can spread rapidly and widely through online social networks and
therefore rumor controlling has become a critical issue. It is assumed in the existing works …
therefore rumor controlling has become a critical issue. It is assumed in the existing works …
[PDF][PDF] Toward information diffusion model for viral marketing in business
L AlSuwaidan, M Ykhlef - International journal of …, 2016 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Current obstacles in the study of social media marketing include dealing with massive data
and real-time updates have motivated to contribute solutions that can be adopted for viral …
and real-time updates have motivated to contribute solutions that can be adopted for viral …