Ancient DNA analysis
Although the first ancient DNA molecules were extracted more than three decades ago, the
first ancient nuclear genomes could only be characterized after high-throughput sequencing …
first ancient nuclear genomes could only be characterized after high-throughput sequencing …
Cutaneous mycobacterial infections
C Franco-Paredes, LA Marcos… - Clinical microbiology …, 2018 - journals.asm.org
Humans encounter mycobacterial species due to their ubiquity in different environmental
niches. In many individuals, pathogenic mycobacterial species may breach our first-line …
niches. In many individuals, pathogenic mycobacterial species may breach our first-line …
[HTML][HTML] Reconstruction of ancient microbial genomes from the human gut
Loss of gut microbial diversity,,,,–in industrial populations is associated with chronic
diseases, underscoring the importance of studying our ancestral gut microbiome. However …
diseases, underscoring the importance of studying our ancestral gut microbiome. However …
Ancient pathogen genomics as an emerging tool for infectious disease research
Over the past decade, a genomics revolution, made possible through the development of
high-throughput sequencing, has triggered considerable progress in the study of ancient …
high-throughput sequencing, has triggered considerable progress in the study of ancient …
Stone Age Yersinia pestis genomes shed light on the early evolution, diversity, and ecology of plague
A Andrades Valtueña, GU Neumann… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 - pnas.org
The bacterial pathogen Yersinia pestis gave rise to devastating outbreaks throughout
human history, and ancient DNA evidence has shown it afflicted human populations as far …
human history, and ancient DNA evidence has shown it afflicted human populations as far …
EAGER: efficient ancient genome reconstruction
Background The automated reconstruction of genome sequences in ancient genome
analysis is a multifaceted process. Results Here we introduce EAGER, a time-efficient …
analysis is a multifaceted process. Results Here we introduce EAGER, a time-efficient …
Salmonella enterica genomes from victims of a major sixteenth-century epidemic in Mexico
Indigenous populations of the Americas experienced high mortality rates during the early
contact period as a result of infectious diseases, many of which were introduced by …
contact period as a result of infectious diseases, many of which were introduced by …
Pleistocene mitochondrial genomes suggest a single major dispersal of non-Africans and a Late Glacial population turnover in Europe
How modern humans dispersed into Eurasia and Australasia, including the number of
separate expansions and their timings, is highly debated [1, 2]. Two categories of models …
separate expansions and their timings, is highly debated [1, 2]. Two categories of models …
Bayesian inference of ancestral dates on bacterial phylogenetic trees
The sequencing and comparative analysis of a collection of bacterial genomes from a single
species or lineage of interest can lead to key insights into its evolution, ecology or …
species or lineage of interest can lead to key insights into its evolution, ecology or …
Yersinia pestis and the Plague of Justinian 541–543 AD: a genomic analysis
Background Yersinia pestis has caused at least three human plague pandemics. The
second (Black Death, 14–17th centuries) and third (19–20th centuries) have been …
second (Black Death, 14–17th centuries) and third (19–20th centuries) have been …