Fault location for distribution smart grids: Literature overview, challenges, solutions, and future trends
Thanks to smart grids, more intelligent devices may now be integrated into the electric grid,
which increases the robustness and resilience of the system. The integration of distributed …
which increases the robustness and resilience of the system. The integration of distributed …
Software-defined wireless sensor networks in smart grids: An overview
Power systems across the globe witness structural challenges because of the increased
concerns on climate change and vast growth in energy demand. Purposefully, new …
concerns on climate change and vast growth in energy demand. Purposefully, new …
Energy sustainability–survey on technology and control of microgrid, smart grid and virtual power plant
The idea of microgrid, smart grid, and virtual power plant (VPP) is being developed to
resolve the challenges of climate change in the 21st century, to ensure the use of renewable …
resolve the challenges of climate change in the 21st century, to ensure the use of renewable …
Energy management of controllable loads in multi-area power systems with wind power penetration based on new supervisor fuzzy nonlinear sliding mode control
The distributed controllable loads (DCLs) are employed to achieve energy management for
hybrid renewable energy-based multi-area power systems (HREPSs). The DCLs are …
hybrid renewable energy-based multi-area power systems (HREPSs). The DCLs are …
Evaluating appropriate communication technology for smart grid by using a comprehensive decision-making approach fuzzy TOPSIS
D Abdul, J Wenqi - Soft Computing, 2022 - Springer
The use of suitable communication technologies reduces power consumption, operational
efficiency of the smart grid (SG), and collaboration between SG aspects from generation to …
efficiency of the smart grid (SG), and collaboration between SG aspects from generation to …
[HTML][HTML] The applications and challenges of digital twin technology in smart grids: a comprehensive review
This comprehensive review explores the applications and challenges of Digital Twin (DT)
technology in smart grids. As power grid systems rapidly evolve to meet the increasing …
technology in smart grids. As power grid systems rapidly evolve to meet the increasing …
En route of electric vehicles with the vehicle to grid technique in distribution networks: Status and technological review
The presence of electric vehicles (EVs) directly affects the low voltage electric distribution
networks. This article depicts the anticipated problems that occurred when it draws power …
networks. This article depicts the anticipated problems that occurred when it draws power …
[HTML][HTML] Security impacts assessment of active distribution network on the modern grid operation—A review
The future grid will include a high penetration of distributed generation, which will have an
impact on its security. This paper discusses the latest trends, components, tools, and …
impact on its security. This paper discusses the latest trends, components, tools, and …
A cluster-based dissimilarity learning approach for localized fault classification in smart grids
Modeling and recognizing faults and outages in a real-world power grid is a challenging
task, in line with the modern concept of Smart Grids. The availability of Smart Sensors and …
task, in line with the modern concept of Smart Grids. The availability of Smart Sensors and …
Determining maximum allowable pv penetration level in transmission networks: Case analysis-northern cyprus power system
Recently, societies are motivated to invest in renewable energy sources in order to mitigate
the environmental impacts associated with fossil-fuel based energy generations and meet …
the environmental impacts associated with fossil-fuel based energy generations and meet …