Setting a pluralist agenda for water governance: Why power and scale matter
Global water systems are facing unprecedented pressures, including climate change‐driven
drought and escalating flood risk, environmental contamination, and over allocation. Water …
drought and escalating flood risk, environmental contamination, and over allocation. Water …
[CARTE][B] Geography and geographers: Anglo-American human geography since 1945
R Johnston, JD Sidaway - 2015 - taylorfrancis.com
Geography and Geographers continues to be the most comprehensive and up-to-date
overview of human geography available. It provides a survey of the major debates, key …
overview of human geography available. It provides a survey of the major debates, key …
[CARTE][B] Affective tourism: Dark routes in conflict
DM Buda - 2015 - taylorfrancis.com
This book brings together, explores and expands socio-spatial affect, emotion and
psychoanalytic drives in tourism for the first time. Affect is to be found in visceral intensities …
psychoanalytic drives in tourism for the first time. Affect is to be found in visceral intensities …
Placemaking as unmaking: Settler colonialism, gentrification, and the myth of “revitalized” urban spaces
R Moran, LA Berbary - Leisure Myths and Mythmaking, 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
Leisure scholarship that operates within traditional frames celebrates placemaking as an
inherently good, participatory, and emancipatory process. In doing so, the bulk of leisure …
inherently good, participatory, and emancipatory process. In doing so, the bulk of leisure …
[PDF][PDF] Geography (human and urban)
D Simandan - The Wiley‐Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory, 2017 - academia.edu
In studying to understand the nature of geography as an academic discipline, I questioned
whether geography was worth kee**, and explored in general terms what could be done …
whether geography was worth kee**, and explored in general terms what could be done …
Reimagining place in internationalization at a distance: An exploration of students' experiences in virtual exchange
C Esposito - British Journal of Educational Technology, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Internationalization at a Distance (IaD) challenges the place‐based nature of
traditional mobility‐centered internationalization initiatives. As technology increasingly …
traditional mobility‐centered internationalization initiatives. As technology increasingly …
[PDF][PDF] Towards a methodology for constructing local territorial identities
T Banini - Territorial Identities in Action: Theory and …, 2021 - itd.territorial-identity.ro
Territorial identity is a complex notion that involves different dimensions: a sense of
belonging and social practices, mainstream rhetoric and contested memory, local politics …
belonging and social practices, mainstream rhetoric and contested memory, local politics …
Research paradigms for health equity in intelligent mobile healthcare technologies: a critical review
Abstract Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) highlight the importance of considering
inequalities in designing, implementing, and operating sustainable intelligent systems for …
inequalities in designing, implementing, and operating sustainable intelligent systems for …
The death of the author in place names: A Barthesian intervention into critical toponymy
D Düzgün - Geography Compass, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Over the past 2 decades, the critical toponymy literature reached a certain level, both
qualitatively and quantitatively, that it is now both possible and necessary to subject the field …
qualitatively and quantitatively, that it is now both possible and necessary to subject the field …
[HTML][HTML] Maps, volunteered geographic information (VGI) and the spatio-discursive construction of nature
This paper interrogates the role that spatial media such as maps and Volunteered
Geographic Information (VGI) play in the construction and mobilisation of representations of …
Geographic Information (VGI) play in the construction and mobilisation of representations of …