Nocturnal noise and habitat homogeneity limit species richness of owls in an urban environment

A Fröhlich, M Ciach - Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019 - Springer
Habitat loss and fragmentation are listed among the most significant effects of urbanization,
which is regarded as an important threat to wildlife. Owls are the top predators in most …

Breeding status shapes territoriality and vocalization patterns in spotted owls

DS Reid, CM Wood, SA Whitmore… - Journal of Avian …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Vocal territory defense can vary within a species due to many factors such as sex and
breeding status, influencing territory size and thus population density across a landscape …

Maximizing detection probability for effective large‐scale nocturnal bird monitoring

I Zuberogoitia, JE Martínez… - Diversity and …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Our specific objectives were to (a) estimate detection probabilities of nocturnal bird
species, after taking into account survey‐specific covariates, and (b) investigate the …

Diel and Seasonal Variations of Vocal Behavior of the Neotropical White-Tipped Dove (Leptotila verreauxi)

C Pérez-Granados, KL Schuchmann - Diversity, 2020 -
Current knowledge regarding the vocal behavior in tropical non-passerines is very limited.
Here, we employed passive acoustic monitoring to study the vocal activity of the white-tipped …

Vocal activity of the Ferruginous pygmy-owl (Glaucidium brasilianum) is strongly correlated with moon phase and nocturnal temperature

C Pérez-Granados, KL Schuchmann… - Ethology Ecology & …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Bird vocal activity is affected by endogenous and exogenous factors. Owl surveys are mainly
based on the detection of nocturnal calls, and therefore, the impact of exogenous factors on …

Colonization of urban habitats: Tawny owl abundance is conditioned by urbanization structure

N Pagaldai, J Arizaga, MV Jiménez-Franco… - Animals, 2021 -
Simple Summary Alteration of natural habitats due to urbanization is an increasing concern
worldwide. Some species, including owls, can exploit this novel environment, although the …

[HTML][HTML] Seasonal climate impacts on vocal activity in two neotropical nonpasserines

C Pérez-Granados, KL Schuchmann - Diversity, 2021 -
Climatic conditions represent one of the main constraints that influence avian calling
behavior. Here, we monitored the daily calling activity of the Undulated Tinamou …

Performance of Doppler shift compensation varies with environmental temperature and humidity in bats

J Ding, F Han, K Zhang, A Lin, T Jiang, J Feng, Y Liu - Animal Behaviour, 2023 - Elsevier
Highlights•Doppler shift compensation is more precise at higher temperatures and
humidity.•It may be affected by call frequency and body temperature changes.•Call …

Changes in over-winter prey availability, rather than winter climate, are associated with a long-term decline in a northern Tawny Owl population

G Orlando, A Passarotto, C Morosinotto, K Ahola… - Journal of …, 2024 - Springer
Although the associations between climate, food conditions and reproduction in the wild has
been the focus of numerous studies in recent years, we still know little about population level …

A telemetry study to discriminate between home range and territory size in Tawny Owls

G Burgos, I Zuberogoitia - Bioacoustics, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Over a two-year period (2013–2015), we trapped and radio-tracked 20 Tawny Owls at two
study sites in northern Spain. We obtained 4257 radio-tracking locations, 328 of which were …